Chapter 1 Lets catch up

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I was still in shock from what Annabeth told me. She told me that she met an Egyptian magician named Sadie and they had to fight off Serapis,this god. And that she was Carter's sister, Carter was a guy I met a few weeks ago, we both had to fight off the son of Sobek. I guess later on we will need both world to work together to fight gods who would want to rule both worlds.

Annabeth has been searching up many things about Ptolemy's magic. After a week of searching Annabeth and Sadie called each other and made a meeting for all four of us. We have to talk about this whole situation.

We will be meeting in their Brooklyn house this afternoon. There is an hour left and I don't know what to do so I will just go and  check up on Annabeth's searching.

I go to the library and find Annabeth on a table with books all around her. She is writhing in a note book all the important things she read about. I hope she didn't write the whole book because she seems to think all information are important.

"Hey Annabeth" I greeted, as I sat next to her.

"Oh , hey Percy" she said sadly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just I am so stressed out about this. I have been awake last night searching about Ptolemy's magic and I couldn't  find much since this library mostly has Greek stuff only.I only got to find five books about Egyptian gods and they didn't even have the information I wanted." She said stressfully.

"Wow , Annabeth calm down , we will meet Carter and Sadie in their house which probably has a library full of these Egyptian things and you will be able to find everything you need. Plus I bet she did research as well and got a lot of information" I said.

"You know what you're right I don't need to stress a lot on this" she said as she exhales her breathe realizing she was keeping it in.

"Come on we should be on our way to their house. By the time we get there it will be afternoon" I said

We then went to our cabins got dressed and Annabeth got a bag and packed somethings. And then we were on our way. We took a train to Brooklyn it took us 20 minutes. As we hop of the train we see a hellhound running around and destroying things. I honestly wonder what the mortals see from the Mist.

When we saw the hellhound , Annabeth and I , were on our way killing a hellhound.

When we got there we find Carter and and some other blond girl which is probably Sadie,trying to kill it. With their weird boomerang for a wand.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" Yelled Sadie, as she shoots some spell at it.

It would slow down the hellhound but it wouldn't kill it only a sword like Riptide can.


"Bu.." She started but I stopped her by pulling a ballpoint pen and opening the cap. In a second I have my favorite sword Riptide.

I run to the hellhound it looks so much like Ms O'Lary it hurts if I try to kill it. It's not Mrs O'Lary, it's not Mrs qO'Lary I keep on reminding my self.

"HEY YOU DUMB HELLHOUND COME AND TRY FIGHTING ME!" I yelled trying to get his focus off Sadie and Carter.

I got its attention all right as he turns to me and started running toward me.

" CAN'T KILL IT!" Sadie and Carter yelled and the same time.

"Don't worry Percy will be able to kill it in a blink of an eye" Annabeth said while smiling.

When the hellhound came closer to me I moved to the side as he smashed to a tree and the horns got stuck.

I started smiling as I went and sliced his head off. His body and head suddenly turning into dust.

"Like taking candy from a baby" I said proud of myself.

"But... We tried to many killing spells and it just wouldn't die. What is that creature anyway?" Carter Asked.

"It's a hellhound and this creature is from our world the only way to kill it is to have a special type of gold sword." I said.

"Then it turns into dust?" Sadie said a little shock in her voice.

"That's because when we kill a Greek monster they turn into dust meaning it has been send down to Tartarus" Annabeth said.

"Taratis, what's that?" Sadie asked curiously.

"It's where all the monsters go once it's been killed. It takes years or even centuries to come back to this world." Annabeth said.

"Interesting , wish it was that easy killing out monsters" Carter said while laughing.

"Okay let's get it your house and talk about this Setne guy. Killing a monster is not really a fun time to Greet someone." I said while laughing.

As they lead the way to their house.

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