Chapter 1

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Ingrid's POV.

New York.

I've never been anywhere like this before. It's so big.

So this is where my father has chosen to settle down, with the mortals who had him arrested for trying to destroy the city.

To be fair he deserved it.

I follow the directions my grandmother gave me. I find myself outside a large building. It is truly spectacular.

I don't know if I can do this.

Stop being ridiculous Ingrid. You have to do it.

But I don't have the, how do Midgardians say it, balls.

Of course you don't you're a girl.

Ugh I have to do this don't I?




I can't believe I just had a full blown argument with myself

I walk through the large door into a modern hall.

"May I help you?" I hear a British voice, I look about to see the source of it. "I'm a computer, sorry for the confusion"

"Oh, I'm looking for Loki Laufeyson." my voice trembling.

"Does he know you are coming?" the computer asks.

"No, he doesn't."

"May I ask who you are?"

"I am Ingrid, Ingrid Lokidottir. And you?"

"I'm Jarvis. I will get Mr Stark to inform Mr Laufeyson."

"Thank you"

As I wait, I feel like this was a bad idea more and more. I'm just about to turn and leave when the elevator door opens. A tall man walks out.

"I'm Tony Stark, are you a relative of Loki?" Tony asks.

"You could say that. I'm his daughter" This leaves him with a shocked expression.

After my words sink in he motions me into the elevator. He presses the button for the top floor.

The silence is awkward, but soon broken when Tony clears his throat.

"So you're Loki's daughter huh."

"Yes, I haven't seen him in 6 years." I sigh looking at th e floor.

"How old where you then?" He looks at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"I was 11 years old."

There is a ding and the doors open onto a grand room. Larger than any room I've seen while on Midgard.

I look around in awe and hear Tony laugh a little.

The room is filled with about 6 people none of which are my father.

"Tony who is this?" A woman with Strawberry blonde asks.

"Pepper, this is Ingrid. Ingrid this is Pepper, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Thor and Natasha." he introduces everyone. They all say hello.

"So what brings you here Ingrid." Bruce asks.

"I'm here to see Loki." I look down at the floor again.

"Really?" He sounds surprised.

"Yeah" I pause "He's my father."

This really shocks them.

"Ingrid?" I turn to see Loki standing at the door of the elevator.

"Hello father" I mumble, I'm now starting to feel like I should just have my eyes permanently glued to the floor.

His eyes just about pop out of his head, which in a way is really funny and in such a serious moment I have to force myself to keep a straight face.

"Hey who's this" a boy walks into the room, he looks around the same age as me maybe a year or so older.

"Teddy this is Ingrid, Loki's daughter" Tony explains.

"Oh cool, I'm Teddy Tony and Pepper's son" Teddy walks over and extends his hand for me to shake. As I reach for it my father jumps between us. Tony rolls his eyes at this.

"Don't touch her or I will crush you."

"Father get out of the way or I will freeze your ass" I glare.

"But..." he begins, but I cut him off.

"I haven't seen you in 6 years, you have no right at this moment in time to act this way, you have to earn that" he backs away. Teddy extends his hand again and this time I shake it.

"So how old are you Ingrid?" Teddy asks.

"I'm 17, you?"

"19" I look over to Loki, he looks really hurt by what I said and I feel sympathetic. Damn my conscience.

"Father." He looks up from the floor with hope in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"No Ingrid, I'm so sorry for not being there" he pulls me into a hug in which I feel safest since my mother was sentenced to death for what she did.


A/N: This is my first chapter. Tell me what you think in the Comments :)

Loki's Daughter // Loki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now