Chapter 4

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Ingrid's POV.

The sunrise is beautiful. I sit with my head against the wall outside of my room. The one good thing about my house is every bedroom has a balcony, so I can sit every morning and every evening and watch the sun rise and set, as I do everyday.

A scream disturbs my tranquil scene. I run into the house and into the hall to see my mother dragging my youngest two sisters down the stairs by their pony tails.

"Astrid! Dusty!" I run to grab them but mother yanks harder. "Mother! Stop, you're hurting them!" she continues down the stairs and I bang on Evan's door.

When he doesn't answer I push the door open to step into a pool of blood. What is this?! I push it harder to find Evan slumped against the door with his throat slit. A scream escapes my lips. I bend down, shaking frantically to check for a pulse. Thinking maybe she didn't kill him. I stand up, in to much shock to move any further. I just stand there staring at my brothers limp body. Then it all hits me. Dusty and Astrid! I force myself to move, stumbling down the stairs smearing Evan's blood down the wall. Still in a state of shock I hear my sister's screams only they sound watery, and I don't understand for a moment until I realize she is in the down stairs bathroom with them. I burst through the door only to find I'm too late. Again.

I've not only failed Evan but Dusty and Astrid also.

My heart sinks.

Mother lifts a knife from the floor which is already dripping with blood. Evan's blood. She pulls Dusty out of the bath and stabs her through the chest for what feels like good measure, to make sure she had really just killed two of her children then she lifts Astrid's head from the water and slits her throat as she did to Evan.

There is the glint of insanity I see too often in her eye. I thought she might change but there is no chance now. She stands up, her white dress covered in the blood of 3. Turns towards me.

"You can join them, be with them, quickly. Only if you don't fight me like they did." she says in an eery sing-song voice. I shake my head. I have to get out of here, have her arrested, get justice for Astrid, for Dusty and for Evan. "I knew you would be the hardest" she glares at me, the way she always has. Like I'm an inconvenience. Like I'm the reason she has no men in her life. When in all honesty, it's the insanity, the beating, the controlling side of her that drives the men away. I never see my father because he is scared of her and what she might do.

What do I do? Then I do the only thing I can do.



Then fall. Trip over one of Dusty's toys and land on my front.

"See" mother walks up behind me "This is your fate. To die" She goes to stab me but I manage to dodge it, narrowly, by rolling onto my side. I turn back and kick her in the knee as hard as I can. She screams, a piercing scream.

"Not today" I stumble to get up, to get away, but I'm not quick enough. She stabs me in the foot. That's going to leave a scar, just like every other time she cut me. Bearing the pain I stamp on her wrist with all my might, then I hear it crack.

I run/limp out of the front door and into the street. I scream for help and luckily the street is crowded. People come to my aid. I think of Evan, Astrid and Dusty how their bodies are still in there.

And I burst into tears. Screams come from my mouth, high pitched at first then raspy screams. My throat is in agony and so is my foot.

I will never see my beautiful baby sisters running around or hear my older brother shouting at us when we played pranks on him and that will forever torture me.


A/N: :'( This was really hard for me to write but I couldn't leave you not knowing what Ingrid's mam did.

Comment what you think.

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