Chapter 6

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Ingrid's POV

Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Tony, Teddy, Uncle Thor, my father and I take a helicopter to the S.H.I.E.L.D HQ. I have never been in a contraption like this before, Teddy told me that it was quicker than car or horseback.

I actually laughed when he mentioned horseback because even though it is a popular means of transport in Asgard but even I know that not many people ride horses through the streets of Midgard or Earth as I was advised to start calling it.

In school in Asgard we learn about the nine realms and I was always fascinated by Midga... earth and always thought it was beautiful, not quite as beautiful as Asgard but beautiful all the same.

When Teddy said it was quicker I had no idea it was only going to take 10 minutes. I mean that's fast right? I've never been more excited and nervous before.

I was going to meet a man called Nick Fury who, apparently, was a tough guy to get on with and understand. Tony told me that the chances are I won't like Nick very much at first, depending on how he treated me, he also said he might treat me differently because Loki was my father. Which in my opinion wasn't very fair as I wasn't even born then.

Half way to the HQ it begins to snow, everyone pulls their coats tighter against them, all except my father and I.They all look at my father as if they expect it but Teddy just looks at me as if I've grown 3 extra heads.

"I'm half frost giant." Is all I can say. There was nothing else to be said I guess, it's true. That's what I am. One of the beings who would do anything to kill my grandfather. If given the chance they would, I can't believe my father helped them into Asgard, well then again I can.

I need to let all of this go, the past is in the past and that's where it should stay. I know it wasn't all his fault, my mother forced him to leave with the way that she was, all the abuse both mental and physical, the way she made me hate myself. Just her presence was enough to make a grown man cringe, it was also enough to draw him in and make him lust after her. I can't blame my father for leaving, she drove him away. Even after her death she is making my life almost impossible to live. I'm going to have to tell him how I was before I left Asgard, not here though, I'll have to wait until we get back to Stark Tower.

I lean across the helicopter and hug my Father. He seems startled for a moment as does everyone else, after the moment passes he wraps his long arms around my body and rests his chin on my head.

"I need to tell you something later." I mumble quietly so only Loki can hear me.

"Okay my love." We stay like this for a while, being enveloped in his arms brings a sense of security. I pull away suddenly, panting, thinking about Astrid and Dusty and Evan, how they would never feel this security. "Are you okay Ingrid?" Loki looks at me, panic filling his eyes. I nod my head quickly. "No you are not, tell me what is wrong." I try to compose myself but there is a pain at the back of my throat and tears fill my eyes. My father pulls me into a tight embrace and the chatter in the helicopter stops.

"Is there something wrong brother?" Thor looks over to the pair of us with concern written all over his face. I feel 9 pairs of eyes lock onto me, if ever there was a moment that I wanted to dig a hole and and curl up in it, it would be now. I can't deal with people staring at me.

"Is it what happened in Asgard?" Teddy places his hand on my arm, I flinch instinctively. A look of hurt makes a short appearance on his face but leaves as quickly as it came. I look at him apologetically but he shakes his head. "I understand."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He just shakes his head and rubs my back.

"We're here." The door to the helicopter slides open and a man in asuit with is standing waiting for us. Nick Fury? No it can't be, he doesn't look scary enough. Though Tony could have been lying? Over exaggerating? We all exit the helicopter.

"Hi I'm Agent Phil Coulson, I work at S.H.I.E.L.D and will be watching over you while you are here at the HQ and maybe even working in the orginisation itself." Well he seems like a nice guy.

"I am Ingrid, nice to meet you sir." I extend my hand and he shakes it.

"Well, if only Loki was this polite when I first met him." He jokes causing the whole group to laugh, even my father. Since being with my father, that was the first time I had seen him laugh.

I remember hearing of how my father treated Phil Coulson, he killed him. Somehow though, he was alive, and I could only see that as a good thing. "Come this way." Phil leads us all off the roof into the large building. We go down a series of corridors and into a room where a tall man in a black leather trench coat stands facing the window.

"You must be Loki's daughter Ingrid." The man says turning. "I'm Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D"


A/N: it took a while but here is chapter 6

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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