Chapter 5

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A/N: So basically in the last chapter Ingrid's mam killed her two sisters and her older brother and it was horrific.


Ingrid's POV.

I wake up dripping in sweat screaming. Another nightmare of the same day, the same nightmare I have every night. Of the day my mother killed my family but in every nightmare she kills me too in a different way every time.

Why do I let her get inside my head? She is dead after all.

I take in my surroundings, the sun is just rising over New York City, it's beautiful not like back home in Asgard but it's still


A sound can be heard from the other side of my bedroom door, it sounds like people talking.

Teddy: Shh, you'll wake her Loki.

Loki: I think she is already awake, did you not hear her scream?

Teddy: Dad tell him I'll talk to her.

Tony: Loki, I think it's best if Teddy talks to her, they seem to have a... bond.

"You can all come in if you want." I manage to let out, my voice trembling.

The door slowly edges open, all three men appear from behind the door.

Tony takes one look at me and goes into full father mode.

"I'll get her some water and something to eat, Teddy, you open the window and Loki... comfort her." Tony runs from the room, Teddy heads to the window and my father wraps his long arms around me and tests his head upon mine. It feels weird, having an adult hug me, it hasn't happened in 7 years, the last time I saw my father, but at the same time it feels nice.

"Do you want to talk about it?" My Father mumbles into my hair. I shake my head, a gentle sob escaping my lips.

Teddy stands prospectively by the window, I don't want anybody to see me like this, but those three men are so hard headed they wouldn't have left if I had locked the door ans had it guarded by Bildshnipe.

We stay like this for a good 20 minutes before Tony walks in with Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint and Thor.

I wipe my eyes and straighten up.

"Yeah sure all come in" I say sarcastically, earning a laugh from all 7 other people in the room. I must look a state. Leaning past my father, I grab a hair bobble off the bedside table and pull my hair into a messy bun.

"Are you okay to go into S.H.I.E.L.D today?" Clint asks warily.

I nod taking a bite of pop-tart, which I'm presuming are Thor's because he looks like he is trying to hide a glare each time I take a bite.

"Would you like one Uncle Thor? I won't eat both of them" I offer. He looks to father, as if for permission, but if he was he doesn't wait for an answer before he steps towards me and I hand him the pop-tart.

I take a sip of water to wash down the pastry and talk to Natasha and Clint about what the training at S.H.I.E.L.D. Will entail.

After that Natasha hands me a suit, that looks somewhat like hers, tells me to get ready and drags everyone out of the room.

Teddy had mentioned that Clint and Natasha were together and their 'ship name' is Clintasha. I fortunately had time to get used to Midgardian technology and googled 'shipping' and found out it is when you merge the two names of a cute couple together to get one name. Natasha + Clint = Clintasha

Tony + Pepper = Pepperoni

Thor + Pop-Tarts = Thop-Tarts or Thor-Tarts or maybe Pop-Thors?

Quickly I shower, slip into the suit Natasha gave me, pull my hair into a messy ponytail and rejoin the others.


A/N: I am so sorry it has taken so long to post this chapter, and it wasn't even great. °-° sorry

I really hope you enjoyed it, and the last chapter too.

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