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I looked off to my side to see some drunk old man running towards me. I stood up grabbing my stuff and ran, everything was blurry due to my tears, but i kept running.

"come back you whore" he slurred. i took my phone out of my pocket calling the last person i texted.

"hello" Jack answered, i forgot i texted him last.

"Jack help me i'm lost and an old man is chasing me." i said through my tears.

"woe woe Fifi where are you" Jack asked calmly.

" don't know i've been walking around all day." i said

"Fifi find a cafe and go inside and find out where you are i'll come find you" Jack said trying to calm me down, but i knew he really had no idea what to say. i stayed on the phone and found a cafe down the street i turned to see the man close by i screamed and ran faster and made it inside.

"woe hey are you okay" this women asked me who worked there as i ran inside.

"this old man was chasing me" i said

"here come with me" i followed her to the breakroom and left me with a water to wait for the manager to come talk to me."

"jack" i asked into the phone, out of breathe.

"I'm still here" he said "are you okay" he then asked 

"yeah im in a break room in a cafe waiting for the manager to talk too"

"okay text me when you know where you are and ill come get you" he said we said our goodbyes and hung up as the manager walked into the room. I explained everything to him and asked where i was once i got the address, i texted Jack as the manager went to do something

Jackie poo- ' your only a 20 minute drive away i'll be right there'

Jack sent now i wait.

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