Chapter 2: Every Story has a Beginning

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Where do I even begin? It seems logical to start at the beginning, right? But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to explain why I find myself here, reminiscing about the past.


September 1st seems like an appropriate place to commence. The inaugural day of eighth grade, etched in my memory as vividly as if it were yesterday.


"Zeke! Get up!" My older sister, Luna, hollered from outside my room.

I groaned, struggling to part ways with the warmth of my bed. "Can't I just stay in a little longer?"

"You have to get up, little bro," Luna insisted, her tone laced with exasperation. "Celeste's mom offered to give you a ride to school."

Though fatigue clung to me like an unwelcome visitor, the prospect of seeing my best friend surpassed any desire to linger under the covers.

"Fine," I acquiesced, my voice tinged with irritation. "I'll get up."

"They'll be here in five minutes," Luna informed me. "There are muffins waiting on the table."

Reluctantly, I rose from bed, slipped into a pair of pants and a plain purple shirt, then organized my school supplies before descending the stairs to claim a muffin.

Luna was busy toasting her own bread when I entered the kitchen. She turned, acknowledging my presence.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Luna greeted me casually before returning to her toast. "They should be here any minute now, so just wait outside."

At that moment, the sound of a car horn pierced the air.

"See you later, Zeke," Luna called out.

I waved a halfhearted farewell before stepping out the door, where my best friend Celeste awaited. Clad in a t-shirt featuring Snoopy and cargo shorts, her fashion sense remained delightfully idiosyncratic.

"Good morning!" she exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm embrace.

Returning the hug, I murmured, "Hi."

Celeste seized my arm and led me towards her mother's car. Once settled inside, she launched into a torrent of chatter, brimming with enthusiasm for the commencement of eighth grade. Ah, how I miss those carefree days.

"Oh my god, Zeke, I'm so excited!" she exclaimed in an animated voice.

"You say that every year, Celeste," I remarked, chuckling. "We get it. You love school."

She smirked mischievously. "I know, but hey, at least we have all our classes together."

"Yeah, this year might not be so bad," I replied, hopeful.

"Speaking of school, guys, we've arrived," Celeste's mom interjected as we pulled up to the school.

"Thanks, Mrs. Smith," I expressed my gratitude. "Come on, Celeste, we'll be late."

"Hold on," she pleaded, turning to her mother. "I need to ask her something."

I nodded, patiently awaiting her return.

"Hey, Mom, can we go to the ship after school like we usually do?" Celeste queried. "Ken can give us a ride home."

Her mother appeared contemplative. "I'm not sure, Sweetie," she deliberated. "It's up to Zeke. But I wouldn't be able to take you as I need to pick up you sisterfrom her school."

"I'm fine with that," I called out.

"In that case, you two can go," Mrs. Smith consented.

"Yay!" Celeste exclaimed, her joy palpable.

Just as excitement coursed through our veins, the school bell chimed, signaling the start of the day's classes.

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