Chapter 19: Hero? What Hero?

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After returning home from the funeral, I swiftly changed out of my somber attire and retrieved Celeste's letter for Blaze. Slipping into a maroon jacket, I prepared myself for what was to come.

"Luna, I'm heading out," I called out. "I'll be back soon."

As it was Monday, school had been in session for about an hour, presenting the perfect opportunity to put my plan into action: confronting Blaze, giving him a taste of his own medicine.


I arrived at the garden to find none other than Blaze and his entourage. Silently, I made my way toward the shed, where I grabbed a shovel. Sneaking up behind Blaze, I raised the shovel high and struck him with all my might.

"What the hell?!" Blaze exclaimed.

"Hello there," I hissed.

"S-Slater?!" he stuttered.

"Surprised to see me, you imbecile?" I sneered.

With that, I struck him once again, sending him sprawling to the ground. His friends had wisely scattered by now. I stomped on his arm, the sickening sound of bone breaking filling the air.

"How does it feel to be on the receiving end, Blaze?" I taunted, relishing in his pain.

"S-stop," Blaze pleaded.

"Why? You didn't stop when Celeste begged you to," I said, delivering a swift kick.

"Ezekiel Slater! Cease this immediately and come with me!" a voice commanded.

I turned to see the principal, who surprisingly decided to do his job for once.

Looking down at Blaze, I dropped Celeste's letter and stomped on his crotch before begrudgingly following the principal. It was a small satisfaction, but I needed it.


"Well, Mr. Slater, I'm sure you're aware of why you're here," the principal spoke with stern authority.

"Because you're finally going to admit that you did nothing to help Celeste?" I retorted, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"No, you're here beca—" he began, only to be interrupted.

"I know perfectly well why I'm here, old man," I snapped.

"I don't think that's app—" he started, but I cut him off again.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! You talk about appropriate manners, yet you've done little to help those in need! How many times have I witnessed you turning a blind eye while Celeste was being tormented? But the moment she stood up for herself, she was reprimanded! So, tell me, old man, what do you have to say for yourself?" I yelled, my anger boiling over.

"Listen, Zeke, we did everything we cou—" he tried to explain.

"Bullshit!" I interjected, refusing to let him continue with his excuses.

"Can you please refrain from using foul language, Mr. Slater?" the principal requested.

"I don't know, can you actually do your job?" I snapped.

"One more outburst like that, and I will suspend you," the principal threatened.

"Go right ahead! I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow, never to return! Consider yourself lucky that I'm not pummeling you right here, right now, for your incompetence!" I yelled, my voice filled with venom.

"I... uh," he stuttered, clearly caught off guard.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Fuck you, old man! I hope you get what you deserve! I'm out," I declared.

"Zeke, you better not walk out that door," he warned.

"Or what, motherfucker? Or what?!" I yelled, my defiance unwavering.

And so, I walked out that door, bidding farewell to M alden Middle School/High School for the last time.

Outside, Kenmur awaited me.

"How badly did you beat him?" he inquired, referring to Blaze.

I chuckled. "That asshole won't be moving anytime soon."

"Good. While you were dealing with him, I took care of something myself," Ken stated, spinning me around to reveal his handiwork.

There, in vibrant pink spray paint, were the words: 'always remember!'

"Since it's your last night here, how about you, me, and your sister go to the ship one last time? What do you say?" Ken suggested as we walked away from the school.

I nodded in agreement. "Sounds great, but I have something I need to do first."


Sitting on the rocks, I gazed out at the imposing figure of the giant ship, the Queen Mary, my old stomping ground. In the past, I would explore its depths as if there were no tomorrow. However, that wasn't the reason I found myself there that day. To my sides stood Kenmur and Luna, all of us staring out at the water, the colossal vessel before us.

"It's been a long road, hasn't it, Zeke?" Luna broke the silence.

"What road are you referring to?" I inquired.

"The journey from where we started to where we are now," Luna replied.

"From our old home to this moment," Ken added.

"I'm talking about life. It's been a challenging and tumultuous ride for all of us, especially you, Zeke," Luna explained.

A heavy silence fell upon us.

"I'm going to miss this place," I murmured. "Boston will never truly feel like home. Long Beach will always hold that title."

"I couldn't agree more," Luna concurred.

And so, we sat there in silence, watching as the sun descended below the horizon.

Little did I know it then, but that was the last time I would lay eyes upon the Queen Mary.

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