Chapter 7: Suspicions Realized

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Suspicions about Blaze had been gnawing at me ever since he first approached us. There was an intangible quality that just didn't sit right. The way he spoke, the way he interacted—it was all peculiar in my eyes. Celeste, however, seemed oblivious to any potential warning signs. I couldn't deny that she possessed a kind-heartedness that set her apart, and I never judged her for it.

Ever since that night, I felt an urgent need to keep a watchful eye on her, just in case Blaze was up to something. Initially, he hadn't done much aside from giving us menacing glances, but the key phrase was "at first." Though Celeste remained tight-lipped about what he had done, the bruises on her arms and face spoke volumes, giving rise to unsettling thoughts. The day following "the incident," as we would later refer to it, she appeared visibly nervous about something, yet she refrained from confiding in me.

"Hey, Zeke?" she uttered, her voice betraying a hint of unease.

"What's up?" I responded, attentive to her tone.

"C-can you watch out for me today?" she asked, her voice wavering.

"Sure, of course," I readily agreed.

"But, at the same time, keep your distance at times."

"Uh, sure, mate," I replied, slightly perplexed. "Could you explain, though?"

Celeste let out a sigh. "Like, walk a few feet behind me and keep an eye on me from that vantage point. Just trust me."

"Oh, okay, now I get it," I said, comprehension dawning upon me.

"It's not because I don't want you to be around me," she assured me.

I nodded, assuring her, "Okay, I'll do my best."

"I-I get nervous when you're not around here," she confessed softly.

"What? I'll always be around," I assured her.

She appeared surprised for a moment, then turned and started walking towards class.

"Hey, Celeste, one more thing," I said, catching up to her. "How's your arm?"

She glanced down, briefly inspecting her arm. "Still sore, but hey, with you by my side, I'll be good."

"There's the Celeste I know. Now, come on, class is about to start," I said as the bell rang.


Skipping through the passing period and class, we find ourselves heading towards lunch.


On my way to the cafeteria, I spotted Kenmur and Luna.

"Hey, Ken. Hey, Luna," I greeted them.

"Hey, little bro," Luna responded, her casual tone making me sigh inwardly.

I wasn't particularly fond of being called "little bro."

"Why aren't you with Celeste? Isn't she looking for you?" Ken asked, his voice reflecting surprise.

"I actually came to find you because I need to talk to you about her," I replied, my tone growing serious.

"What's up?" Ken inquired, his voice tinged with concern. "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, uh, I think she's hurting herself," I stuttered, trying to convey the gravity of the situation.

"What?!" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback. "How? Why? When did you find out?"

"When I went to retrieve my jacket last night. Her arm was covered in blood," I revealed, my words stumbling out. "Normally, I'd say not to tell anyone, but given the circumstances, it's entirely up to you."

"For now, I won't tell anyone, but I'll make sure to stay close by," he assured me, clearly shocked.  "Just watch out for her, please?"

"I promise I'll keep her safe," I vowed, determined to protect my best friend.

Ken looked visibly worried, and I couldn't blame him after what I had just told him.

"Hey, Zeke?" he called out as I began to walk away. "Mind if we tag along with you today?"

"Sure," I replied. "I don't see why not."

We scanned the surroundings, but Celeste was nowhere to be found. A sinking feeling in my gut hinted that we were about to stumble upon something unpleasant, and unfortunately, I was right.

"It's as if they abandoned you!" a voice echoed from behind a classroom. "They would've found you by now if they cared!"

We hurriedly turned the corner and discovered Blaze cornering Celeste, her face bruised, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Without hesitation, Kenmur pushed Blaze away and positioned himself between them.

"Not so fast, hot stuff," Kenmur snapped, his voice seething with anger. "I suggest you back off and leave."

"C'mon, Ken, me and Celeste were just having some fun. Right, Celeste?" Blaze sneered, his tone mocking.

Kenmur shoved Blaze once more, and Celeste seized the opportunity to flee.

"If you call this 'fun,' then bruises and tears must be your definition," Kenmur retorted, his voice filled with disdain. "Stay away from my sister, or else!"

"Or what? You wouldn't want little Zeke here to witness a fight," Blaze taunted.

"I don't care what Zeke sees, but you need to stay away from my sister, or I promise you'll regret it," Kenmur responded coldly, closing the distance between them.

To my surprise, the principal stood nearby, observing the altercation, yet chose not to intervene.

"Why isn't he stepping in?" I wondered, perplexed by the lack of action.

Turning around, I noticed Luna gazing at me.

"I'm going to find Celeste," I informed Luna, taking a step forward. Her decision to join me caught me off guard.

After a few minutes of searching, Luna suggested checking the bathrooms.

"It's adorable how protective you are of her," she remarked, attempting to lighten the mood.

I merely shot her a glare in response.

"Sorry," she apologized, her expression turning serious.

"H-hey, Zeke," a voice called out from behind me.

I turned to find Celeste standing there, head bowed.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I asked, extending my arms for a comforting embrace.

"Fine," she replied, reciprocating the hug.

"Are you sure?" Luna inquired, concern etched on her face. "We could get you some ice if you—"

"No!" Celeste exclaimed, her voice tense. She quickly amended, "I mean, no, thank you."

"Oh, okay. If you're sure," Luna replied, her uncertainty evident.

Then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break.

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