Chapter 4: Welcome to Malden

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I suddenly realized that I had been lost in nostalgic ramblings, reminiscing about the good times. But hey, taking a stroll down memory lane can be fun. Now, it's time to delve into the story itself. So, everyone, welcome to Malden Middle School—a place that only cared about its reputation, nothing more. Celeste and I would come to learn that the hard way.

"Be excited for middle school," they said. "It'll be fun," they said. It's a lie we've all been told at least once. Malden Middle School—on the surface, it appeared to be the stereotypical American middle school with its brick exterior and crowded hallways. But behind its façade, a different reality unfolded. Malden was a combination of middle school and high school, housed under one roof. Celeste didn't mind the setup; she was eager to navigate the halls and embrace the new experience. I, on the other hand, was a bit more reserved, apprehensive about the impending challenges. The school had its cliques, like any other—nerds, jocks, outcasts, and more. Celeste and I never really fit into any particular group; we only had each other. It had always been Celeste and me against the world, navigating the treacherous terrain of adolescence together.

Fast forward to December 7th—a day that would mark a significant change in our middle school journey. It was a crisp winter day, and as we settled into our usual lunch spot, a stranger approached us. He had an air of confidence about him, someone who didn't seem to belong in the middle school crowd. His name was Blaze Garcia, a high schooler who had mysteriously taken an interest in mingling with younger students. What kind of name is Blaze? I have no clue, but that was his name. Why he was even bothering with middle schoolers remained a mystery, a puzzle I couldn't quite solve.

"Hey," the unknown kid greeted us, his voice friendly yet tinged with a hint of mischief, as he confidently took a seat at our table. "I'm Blaze, what about you guys?"

I couldn't help but sense Celeste's unease as she tensed up, her eyes darting back and forth between me and Blaze. With caution, I introduced myself, wary of this newcomer's intentions. "I'm Zeke," I said, my voice reflecting my wariness.

There was something about this guy that gave me a bad feeling. His eyes seemed to hold secrets, his smile harboring ulterior motives. Yet, despite my reservations, Celeste and I exchanged glances, silently agreeing to give him a chance. Celeste mustered up the courage to introduce herself, although her voice faltered slightly. "Sorry," she mumbled, her gaze fixed on the table. "Celeste. I-I'm Celeste. Sorry."

Blaze's sly smirk persisted as he leaned back in his chair, seemingly unfazed by Celeste's nervousness. "It's alright, I understand. New year, new fears. I was just like that in middle school," he reassured her, his words laced with a sense of familiarity and understanding.

Although my unease continued to gnaw at me, I hesitated to dismiss him outright. Perhaps it was curiosity or the potential for new friendships that prevented me from completely trusting my gut instincts. Little did I know that allowing Blaze into our lives would become one of my many regrets, unraveling a series of events that would forever alter our middle school experience.

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