One Last Job

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"So,that's the story of how me and Ruby met.",I said as I felt Ruby lie her head on my lap."That story...was so...amazing...",Tiki said as she was trying to hold back her tears."So,if we're done with the lovey dovey stuff,can we get down to business.The last job us rejects are going on.The biggest hit we've ever taken,5 million dollars.",Smoker said bringing us back to reality."Holy Shit!5 million?!?!The hell are we trying to kill?",Inferno asked in complete shock.He was right,the biggest hit we ever took before was only 100,000."Yeah Smoker,who are we trying to kill?",Spinner asked following Inferno's question."No idea what the targets actual name is,code name is..."Red Death",apparently they've murdered countless people in the religious groups,all of whom were angels on Earth.",Smoker said as it finally hit me."It's Emily,It's Emily",I said surprising everyone."Who's Emily?",Azazel asked."She tried to murder me a couple years back.Wow,I'm gonna have fun on this mission.",I said with an evil grin."Well,gentlemen and lady,let's get down to business.",Smoker said we started to discuss the plan.I sent Ruby back to my parents house at this point as I didn't want to get her involved with this.So the plan is we know who her next target is,the leader of the biggest church in America.Since I have an angel inside of me,we would hide the real leader and I would serve as a decoy.Since she's working for a big organisation,she's gonna have a bunch of lackeys with her,so it's Inferno and Spinner's job to take them down.When she goes in for the kill,Smoker,Tiki,Azazel,and I are going to take her down."Alright gang,let's get this party started.Rejects,let's send Zen off with this mission.",Smoker said as we all cheered.

"Spinner,Inferno,you guy's in position?",I said over our earpieces."Yep","We're ready",the two of them responded."Target is in sight,you ready Zen?",Tiki asked."Yeah,Smoker and Azazel,ready?",I asked."Yeah we're ready.",Smoker reponded,Azazel just laughed.I heard the doors open behind me and oh so familiar voice start talking."You were quite a struggle to find alone,since there's always people here,but now I have you.You know,there's never been a target I haven't killed.",Emily said as she withdrew her blade."Well my child,the lord has told me that there was one who defeated you in battle,lying about your losses is no way to get into the kingdom of the lord.",I said trying my best to sound like a church official."How..How do you know about that,no one knows about that fight?!?!",she asked aggravated as I had clearly struck a pretty sensitive nerve."You really want to know how I know about that fight?That's because red head,",I said as I lowered my hood and turned around,"I'm right here."

"You!!!!",she yelled from pure anger as soon as our eyes met."Hey Emily,long time no see,hows the ribs,did you miss me!?!?",I asked in a sarcastic tone."I've waited so long to finally finish you off,you piece of garbage angel.",she said as she pointed her blade at me."Well,then let's finish this,NOW!!!!",I yelled as Smoker appeared behind her and Azazel dropped down on her.Smoker and Azazel had her pinned down when Tiki showed up and made spiritual chains with her kyubi powers.Just as she was locked up,Spinner and Inferno walked in,"All grunts dead,score is 32-28 in terms of kills.",Inferno said as Spinner looked annoyed."Well well well,what have we here another angel hunter defeated by an angel,and this time I didn't even have to power up.",I say as I bring her face close to mine."Looks like the cut from last time didn't heal all the way from the last time we fought huh?",I asked as I ran my finger over the cut on her face,getting some blood on my finger.It had been so long since I've had any sort of blood,so I tasted it."Fuck thats the stuff,it's been so long since I've had human blood.",I said as my eyes turned a brighter shade of red."So you're Emily huh,you don't seem that tough.",Tiki said as she observed the prisoner,but as soon as those words left her mouth,Emily broke free with her sword aimed right at Tiki's throat...CLANG!!,The sound of her sword colliding with my scythe rang throughout the building."Killing me is one thing...Trying to kill my friends is another thing,let's settle the score,here and now!",I said with anger.With that the fight began,Emily's and my weapons colliding with each other as we each tried to find an opening.After a while of fighting,I jammed the tip of the scythe in the ground,and a hole of fire opened up and countless undead warriors rose from the hole."I hope you don't mind,but I brought some friends.",I said as the undead started attacking her.Not to my surprise,she was able to defeat them all easily,"I want to end this now,so let's.",she said as she started powering up.There was a red cloak of aura surrounding her now,her eyes now looked feral,and her sword now was coated with red light."Alright time to get serious!",I said as I spun the barrel of my revolver and shot myself in the head,now reverting back to full power.The two of us stared at each other,each of us wanting to end this."This ends now.",she said as pointed her sword at me."I could say the same thing.",I said as pointed my scythe.With that small exchange of words we ran at each other,power literally crackling we collided with each other.I noticed that her sword started cutting it's way through my sythe until it broke,shards flying everywhere and knocking me into a wall and out of my power.She slammed against me,panting with the sword stabbing me in the same spot as before."Aghhhhhh!!!!",I screamed in pain as the sword went through me and into the wall,leaving me stuck"Zen,she's taking me from your body,I can't stop her,Zen-",before he could finish he was pulled out of me along with the sword."That should be enough to kill you,to think you put up so much of a fight,that I would have to pull out the sword of sealing.",Emily said,triumphant of her victory.I wasn't able to speak as the pain was overwhelming and blood was leaving my mouth,and my vision was getting blurry.I looked over at my teammates to see Tiki and Spinner in tears,and Smoker,Inferno and Azazel just staring at me in complete shock.I looked down at my hands and remembered something my mom told me just after my dad left."Mommy was never able to win any of her battles Zen,but you're different from me and your father,you keep going even if it means hurting yourself,you push past your limits and then some,so keep pushing,and day you'll knock down even the biggest of walls.".I clenched my fist and a gauntlet appeared around it,a gauntlet my father gave,Azure Grimore,a part of the original evil."Soul Stealing l-Grim Reaper!!",I yell between my pain as I jam it into Emily's back."Looks like your friend is out of commission,he's finally-",but before she could finish,it went through her."You're...dead...bitch."I said as I yanked her soul out of her body,leaving nothing but a hollow corpse of a shell standing forever frozen.As I held her soul in my hand,I said,"Consider this...payback...for everything you've done....and murdering your thing I ever did...",I said as broke out into insane laughter as I crushed her soul and converted it into energy for me."Howee,that was a tough one.What?What are you guys staring at?",I asked as I looked at my team confused.I look down at my arm now seeing that the Grimore was now fused to me,now leaving my arm in black sleeve of enegry."YOUIDIOTDONTEVERSCAREUSLIKETHATEVERAGAINIHATEYOUSOMUCHYOUBIGMEANIE!!!",I heard Tiki say she she hugged me like crazy while bawling her eyes out.The rest of the team soon followed in the group hug as they now realized,I'm still alive.After that incredibly awkward team hug,Spinner tossed me the sealing sword,"Break it and your powers should come back.",he told me.As I looked at the blade,I realized I now looked normal,my red hair now black like when I was younger,my eyes back to the dark brown they were before.I held the sword with the Grimore,and crushed it like a twig.Immediately I felt my powers coming back and Raphael going back inside my body."Thank god I'm back,I thought I would be stuck in there forever.",he said on arrival.Before I could say anything,my adrenaline finally wore off and I collapsed from exuastion and pain.

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