*Time skip of 2 years*
I came home to find my wife and Zack sitting on the floor staring at a book really intensely."What we reading babe?",I ask as I sit down next to her,Zack crawling onto me."Don't laugh,but we were playing Where's Waldo and I've been stuck on this page for an hour.",she said as her face turned beat red.I married and had a kid with a with a 5 year old."He's behind the circus tent.",I say as I take Zack to the room to get changed.I hear a loud sigh from the living room.The more I look at my son,the more I realize he looks like if you smashed me and Ruby together,his eyes being a little bit darker than my red eye,more close to Ruby's,and his hair being a mix of black and white,came out a dark gray.I heard a flop onto the bed and another loud sigh,so I joined her."You really spent an hour on the book?",I asked Ruby.All I got was a muffled response and her head shaking slowly.I rolled her over,and when I did,I got pouty lips.I gave Zack to Ruby,as he asked me a question."Why mommy mad?","Her adult brain couldn't solve a child book game.",I answered as he started laughing."Ok,laugh at mommy,time for you to take a nap.",Ruby said as she picked him up and layed him in the crib.Within seconds he was asleep."He's just like you,as soon as his head hits the pillow,he's out.",Ruby said as she cralwed under my arm."He's also like you in the fact that he's a child.",I say as I kiss her cheek.As soon as I said that,she straddles me and pins my arms down."Do you need me to remind how much of a grown up I am?",she said as she leaned in to kiss me,our tounges quickly exploring the other's mouth."Hey,no love making with Zack in the room,you made that rule.",I said as I pulled away from the kiss before I stopped thinking."I never said we couldn't kiss.Now shut up and kiss me.",she said as she pressed her lips against mine aggressively.We kissed a lot,like a lot.Both our tounges were dryer than a desert in summer but we kept going till Zack woke up.
Zack is continuing to find ways to drive me Ruby insane,but we still love him.He was on my back dangling from his arms when Ruby said the a letter came for me,which was weird.When I opened it,what I saw made me snap,they were photos of my mom,tied up,gagged,blindfolded with cuts and bruises on her body,and a piece of paper,with only the words,"Why don't we meet up again,so you could see your old man again.".I hate my dad,I'm gonna kill that bastard.
FantasíaI pointed the gun at my own head,"It's not my life you should be worried,it's your own",and with that I pulled the trigger.