I awoke to find myself in a hospital bed.I looked down at my body to see I'm pretty bandaged up,my arms,my chest,some around my head covering one of my eyes.I try to get out of bed to walk around and see what happened to me but as soon as I started moving an overwhelming amount of pain shot through me."Okay,not moving it is.",I said gritting my teeth."You're finally awake huh?You were out for a while.",Rapheal said in my head."How long was I out for?","Roughly about a week and 2 days,you pushed your body way passed it's limit,not to mention summoning a part of the original evil and having fuse with your body to keep drained any and all energy you had.",Rapheal informed me.As he finished telling me what happened,I heard the door open and saw my wife and my mom walk in."Oh Thank God You're Finally Awake!",I heard my mom say with tears in her eyes.I looked over at Ruby and saw she couldn't even make out words as she was crying so much.They both started squeezing me on top of already existing pain,so let's just say it hurt.Ruby climed into my lap and started kissing me like crazy."Why's half your face covered?I'm taking this off,I want to see my husband's face.",she said as she started unwrapping the bandaid.When she finished I heard her and my mom gasp.I looked at them confused till Ruby used her phone as a mirror.Half of me was fixed,half of my face was back to how it was before,my brown eye and black hair,they were back."Senpai,your eye is different,it's not red anymore,it's like an actual eye...it's so weird.",she said as she stared into my eyes.After meeting with the doctor and getting bandaged and medicated,they let me go.When we got home I went to the house and layed in bed,staring up at the ceiling,wondering about how and why my face changed back."It looks like when I was ripped out of you,your appearance was reverted back to the way it was,and when I was put back,it was only partially restored,leaving you as half and half.",Rapheal said in my head."I guess your right,it's weird seeing my eye and hair back to the way it was before you possessed me,back when my parents were still together..",I say as I hear the door open and someone walks in.I looked up to see Ruby crawling into bed and hiding in my arms."I'm pregnant...I took a test while you were in the coma.",she said as she held me tightly and cried."I'll never leave you...I won't leave my family like my dad....I'll keep both of you safe...forever...",I said as I held her close to me.After staying at my Mom's house for another couple days,we went back home to Japan.Ruby and I...we have a lot to learn about parenting in the next 9 months,but I think we can handle it....hopefully.
FantasyI pointed the gun at my own head,"It's not my life you should be worried,it's your own",and with that I pulled the trigger.