Chapter 5 Wallflowers and Wallserpents

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I managed to put together an outfit consisting of a buttoned brown skirt that fell just above my knees and a black long sleeve shirt. I was busy brushing my hair in the bathroom as red fabric caught my eye.

April had slipped into a dress even more sinful than the one I had tried on in town. It was a deep red colour that sparkled under the lights, showing off her glamorous sky-high legs and cleavage. How she still had breasts after all that dancing I would never know.

I pulled back some of the front strands of my hair to see what it would look like tied back before letting it fall back into place. Simple and casual went hand in hand with me.

"Do you think my hair should be up or down?" April held her hair up and down so I could judge.

"Down, with those loose curls." I suggested.

She nodded. "I thought the same." She plugged in a curling iron and began to transform her straight strawberry blonde locks into curls that I thought made her look like a Siren. With her long flowing hair, sparkling dress and flawless skin, she looked like some heavenly creature.

"Can you braid my hair?" Charlotte asked as I exited the bathroom.

"Sure." Charlotte sat on the end of her bed as I parted her platinum locks with my fingers.

"Have you talked to Alick?"

I was surprisingly thrown by her question. "N-Not really." I stuttered.

"Is that a no or a yes?" She pressed.

"Yes I guess." I said in a hard tone. I didn't want to talk about it.

"He's coming to the party."

"Really?" Alick had never liked parties, always preferring to stay at home where he could read with his cat before the fireplace. He was the definition of introverted. It was what drew us together as friends.

"Secretly or forwardly, everyone loves to let loose." April injected, her waist length hair pooling around her elegant figure.

"Alick isn't like everyone." I argued.

"Sure he isn't." April made a face as she went to strap on her stilettoes.

"Well I'm buzzing." Charlotte changed the subject.

"It's going to be a wild night."

We gathered our purses and coats before heading out to meet Joe, who was driving the five of us to the party.

Sliding into the back with April and Harry I suddenly felt very nervous being so close to him.

"You look nice."

"Thanks." I toyed with my hair shyly. I could practically feel April smile beside me.

Charlotte and Joe made small talk in the front as he drove through the darkness encasing us. Harry was on his phone the whole drive, blinding me with the harsh light emitting from the screen. I did manage to see his friends were taking about getting fucked up; I wasn't a fool to think that they were just talking about getting drunk.

I could hear the party before I saw the lights. I was surprised we hadn't gotten lost, we were in the middle of the forest, I realised as we exited the car. I almost fell over in the dark, if it weren't for Charlotte.

"God save my soul." I steadied myself.

"Just try and have fun, that's what parties are about right?"

I gave her a weak smile as we entered the house that was packed of teenage bodies. Thomas had arranged a DJ to play, a very good DJ as it seemed. Bodies swayed the music and people talked loudly over the music with one another inside and outside.

I noticed April running her hands through her hair beside me. I followed her suggestive gaze to a guy shouldering the wall on the other side of the room. His dark raven hair was slicked back over his head, his gaze heated and his jaw line strong. He looked American, like those typical jocks that played American football and had a cheerleader girlfriend and was prom King.

April sent him a smirk that showed him exactly what she wanted. He returned it and I watched as they stared each other down, each daring the other to come to them. Eventually April won as the guy made his way to her, immediately capturing her waist with his hand, speaking to her in a hushed tone.

He leant in for a kiss and I looked away, feeling as if I had intruded on a private moment.

I made my way to one of the tables against the wall in search of something to drink. I found a cup before choosing between what was left of the drinks. I settled for water before turning to look for Charlotte. I ended up leaning against the wall as I watched everyone move around me.

"Let me share some wisdom with you." Harry popped up out of nowhere. "There are two types of women at events like this, Wallserpents." He gestured to April who was tangled in a passionate embrace with the American looking guy. "And Wallflowers." His gaze drifted back to my own as he leant towards me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "You know? From Shakespeare."

"I do know." It was part of the curriculum after all.

"A pretty flower like you shouldn't be made to stand against a wall." He leaned in further until I was pushing myself against the wall in an attempt to create some space. I had a personal bubble, and he was inside it.

"I'm flattered-"

"-Isla." He went for my lips and I ducked out of his way.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered nervously as I headed for the door. I slipped through the sliding door, clenching my jaw at the brisk air that greeted my skin.

"Hey." Harry wrapped his hand around my wrist, spinning me around to face him. "April said-"

"-Let me go Harry." I pulled but he only gripped me harder.

"I thought you want me."


"April said you wanted to hook up with me."

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He grabbed my waist.

A dark figure wrenched Harry from me, tackling him to the ground with the snarl comparable to some wild animal. I stood frozen in place as Harry's body went limp and the creature that had attacked him rose before facing me.

"I'm sorry." Alick muttered in a deep husky tone before running into the forest.

I looked down, checking Harry's pulse before slipping back inside. My mind felt fuzzy as I tried to weave my way through the crowd without being trampled or grinded on. I searched desperately for anyone familiar. April was nowhere in sight and I no intention of looking upstairs after seeing Charlotte and Joe head up there.

I found myself outside again, sitting on a chair beside the house, a sickly cup full of beer in my hand. Time elapsed as I drunk away my thoughts until I passed out.

Treetops blurred through the window as I sat in the backseat. I reached up with small fingers to trace on the fogged window. I drew a sigil of three interconnected swirls. I suddenly found myself standing at the waters edge. The black water rippled at my feet as I looked up to gaze upon two gigantic horse heads made of steel. I was shadowed in comparison and slightly terrified. The sky darkened and the horses grew flesh, whinnying as they attempted to crawl from the inky waters towards me. 

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