Chapter 27

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Title: Dating


Red Velvet has finally made their comeback without expecting that their new title track Red Flavor would become a mega hit song all throughout South Korea at the same time internationally. The girls had their schedules packed from multiple music show performances, meet and greet with fans, award shows, photoshoots and even variety and talk show guesting.

Yeri and Joy were seated at the backseat as they both were scrolling on their Instagram Account.

"Daebak. We really did lose some fats, Wendy-unnies face looks smaller here as well as Joy-unnie too."Yeri exclaimed.

"Well it's the price from our undying workout and diet."Wendy mentioned as Irene looked her way.

"It's a good thing you actually lost some weight Seungwan but take it easy, you drastically lost a lot. You too Joy."Irene warned them.

"Let them be unnie, they went through a lot of criticism from people calling them fat or chubby."Seulgi tried to save the two.

"Yeah, but people are calling them sexy now."Yeri tried to lighten up the mood.

Irene just kept her silence since she was feeling anxious when she read some mean comments about Wendy, she clearly saw people calling her a walking skeleton since one of their performances one fan took a photo of Wendy and her ribs was showing during their dance and Irene didn't like it. As much as Irene wanted Wendy to accept her own body but trying to scold and insecure lady isn't a good choice for her to make.

"Speaking of sexy, Joyiah! Are you ready to finally embrace your image as the cutie-sexy of the group?"Wendy tried to change the topic as everyone's attention fell unto the red haired girl trying to cover her stomach since she was wearing a sleeveless crop top.

"Yeah but doing it suddenly kind of makes me anxious."Joy tried to explain making Irene stare at her with worry.

"You can change your shirt if you don't feel comfortable. I can just tell Manager-unnie."Irene tried to save her from her misery but Joy wanted to do it since it would be another change for her career and she's also hoping that maybe this would be her new color in the group,

"Gwenchana unnie. I can do this. It's just my stomach showing so I'll be fine."Joy tried to reassure her. Irene could no longer argue and just let her be, meanwhile their youngest had a grin on her face.

"What are grinning for? Did you sneak another chocolate in you bra again?"Seulgi pointed out.

"Nope, today I snuck a biscuit in my bra. But that's not the real issue here. I'm kind of curious on what Sungjae-oppa's reaction would be when he saw your pictures later?"Yeri said making Joy blushed by the mention of her boyfriend.


Flashback (before Red Flavor era)

After Sungjae heard about Joy coming over from his parents he quickly dashed off to caught up to her. Meanwhile Joy was already waiting for a cab before she felt someone suddenly enveloped her into a hug from behind, she released a small shriek but managed to held it in when she sensed that it was Sungjae behind her.

"T...thank God you're still here."Sungjae mumbled while panting as he kept on back hugging her. Joy was about to say something but her eyes widens when she couldn't feel her feet on the ground as Sungjae quickly lift her up bridal style and quickly ran back towards his house.

"W..wait. O..oppa! P..put m-me d-down."Joy managed to say while stuttering since her face was extremely close to him.

"Mianhe Sooyoungah, as much as I want to talk to you right now but I need to bring you home before my parents starts disowning me."Sungjae exclaimed which completely confused Joy.

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