Jealousy hurts.....but...not just you

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Pinkie POV

Today is Sunday hair is already straight how do I explain this to twily.... I put on some comfortable pink boxers and walked around the house searching for Maud "Maud are you in here?" I shouted "yes brother......what is it?" He asked "well you see I am hanging out with twilight today and well....she doesn't know about me and the other me" I said "oh...just ask your other self to stay put....." He said feeding bolder I nodded and went to the TV and play some games

Hey pinkie what have you decided to do?

Probably just make sure she doesn't notice and that nobody gets in my way for that matter

I see.....

Welp it shouldn't be a problem I'll find an excuse if she ask questions

Make sure your excuse isn't "I ate too much muffins that's why I'm acting weird" cause if you do I'll kiss someone in front of her


Someone rang the so I went and open it forgetting I was wearing only a pair of boxers I opened the door and saw twilight "hi twily wh-" she cut me off by saying "PUT SOMETHING ON PINKIE!!!!!" Covering her face I looked at myself and smirked "what if I don't want to?" I asked smirking "I'll leave this house and not come back" she said angry " fine fine I'll out something on just don't leave" I said smiling she nodded and went to the couch u took a yellow shirt and ran back to twilight "I'm back with a shirt on happy?" I asked "much" she said smiling "what brings you here?" I asked putting my arm around her shoulder "I wanted to hang out more with you so here I am" she said I smiled and nodded "let me grab my phone wallet and a pair of jeans and we can go" I grabbed everything and we went to the park I was making stupid puns but and twilight seemed to like them I went and grab two ice creams for the both of us blue berry for twilight and strawberry for me I went back and saw this guy flirting with twilight "what about I give you my number and you can text me later today?" He said winking twilight blushed and smiled

That's the last straw nobody flirts with our twilight let me out I'll make him pay

I don't know.....

He is taking your girlfriend away

Ok let's do it

I quickly ate my ice cream and went toward twilight I gave her her ice cream and glared at the guy "and you should be?" I asked angry "name's Timber Spruce at your service" he said bowing down "look Trumpet Sprite I don't know who you are and we're your from but if you don't live you'll have a bad experience" I said he smirked "show me what you've got cotton candy hair"

That's it let me out he's got a fight

Pinkamena POV

"Ready to dance Trumpet Sprite?" I said smirking "when you're ready cotton candy" i grabbed my pocket knife and point it at him "woah dude that's too much" he said scared "you said to show you what I've got and here it is the cause of your death Trumpet" i said charging at him with full force but twilight went in The middle "STOP!!!" she said I stopped and looked at her confused "what got into you pinkie?" She asked "nothing...." I said "then why are you fighting?" She asked "he's probably jealous" Trumpet said "if what? You? Don't make me laugh I could never specially if it's someone as weak ask you" I said "you were jealous and I know it cotton candy" he added and growled and looked at twilight who was glaring at me "if that's how you put it stay with this broccoli head hope you have fun you two together" I said I went back home and went to my room locking the door 

I'll kill that Trumped head

Rainbow POV

I was helping Scootaloo practice his confession letter toward his crush Sweetie Belle "so you will live the letter in her school bag and when she goes home she will read it got it squirt?" I said "yes but what if she doesn't like me back?" He asked "stop being a dramma Queen and just be a man if she doesn't like you back make her regret ever saying no to you she will desire you after that more than ever before" I said "ok big brother" he said I ruffled his hair and smiled "go get her tiger" I said he smiled and left my room I looked out of my window and saw fluttershy "hey shy!! Wait!" I said getting out from my window and climbing down since I couldn't show my wings to her I ran toward her and smiled "a-are you crazy?" She said checking if I was fine "crazy in love with you you can bet~" I said winking at her she rolled her eyes "why didn't you use your door? You could have gotten hurt" she said worried "I won't do it again promise" she smiled "want to go grab an ice cream?" I asked she nodded and we walked toward the ice cream stand "two ice creams please" I said "flavors?" The man said "for me get me anything that has blue in it for fluttershy strawberry" I said he nodded and gave me blue berry and strawberry to fluttershy I payed and we ate our ice creams I saw discord walking by and he was with his friends and he saw me "hey rainbow crash how are you doing?" He said smirking "fine dickcord what do you want?" I asked "dashie language...." Shy said "sorry shy" I said she nodded and went back in eating her ice cream "what is a beautiful girl like you doing with an idiot like him?" Discord said "he is not an idiot sir" she said standing up "dashie is getting defended by his girlfriend" discord said "at least I have one unlike you" I said smirking he rolled his eyes and looked at fluttershy "do you like animals?" He asked "yes why?" Fluttershy asked "well you know I have this puppy at home and well he is really sad recently and won't eat would you like to see him?" He asked "sure why not" shy said say what? Why would she say yes to a dickhead like him? "Cool I'll give you my number" discord said shy nodded and they exchange numbers discord took fluttershy's hand and kissed it that was it "hey garbage head who gave you permission to kiss my girlfriend's hand?" I said throwing my ice cream in the garbage can "she liked it tho" he said smirking "do you want to fight?" I  asked "sure cause rainbow crash can take on 3 people at the same time" he said "try me grampa" I said "Snips Snails get him" discord said I dodged their attacks and punched them in the face making them fall in pain u ran toward discord punching him hard on his face making his nose bleed "you monster what's wrong with you?" He said glaring at me "grampa can't fight what a shame" I said getting ready to hit him again but fluttershy was in the way "what are you doing shy?" I aksed "don't hurt him" she said "you can't be serious" I said she nodded j looked at discord and he was smiling "ugh whatever do what you want I'm going home" I said walking away I turned around and saw fluttershy helping discord up I can't believe her she saw it he started it ughhh

Get ready to die dickcord

Applejack POV

I was at the mall with Rarity "is all of this necessary?" I asked carrying her bags which were a lot "yes Jackie or else I couldn't look fabulous for you" she said "take your clothes off for me and you will look more than fabulous~" I said smirking she glared at me "this is not the time to play around Jackie" she said walking "remind me why I'm carrying this for you" I said "because you love me darling" she said "hurtful but true" I said she giggled and kissed me we started walking until an idiot didn't decide to bump into my Rarity I dropped everything and helped her but a guy pushed me away from her "are you ok?" He asked "y-yea I'm sorry I wasn't looking were I was going" she said "me too" he helped her  "name's Tenderhoof" he said "Rarity" she said "wait Rarity Belle the famous clothe designer "yes that's me* she said "omg you definitely must have heard of me I'm Tenderhoof the most famous clothe designer I came her just to see you and talk about new designs and ideas on clothes "that would be marvelous" Rarity said I was about to speak but Tendershoe wrapped his hand around Rarity I growled she is mine hands off I thought I felt my fangs in my mouth and they were rather sharp to say "babe what do I do with this?" I said pointing at the bags "um..." She thought "I'll carry them if you don't mind" the guy said "I didn't ask you" I said "but you seem to not want them" he said smiling j grabbed him by the collar "I dare you to smile at me again pretty boy" I said glaring at him "o-ok I won't smile at you jeez jealous much I see" he whispered "I heard you and no I'm not..." I said "so your won't mind if I kiss her hand" he said smirking "try it and you are dead" I said he did it and I  punched him "Jackie why did you do that?" Rarity asked "he provocated me " I said she went over him and helped him she looked at me and glared I looked at the guy and he was smirking evily be at me and mouth "that's what you get doggy"  I growled and walked away

Dude make sure to lock up your windows cause you are dying

(A/N this is the longest chapter ever and I'm proud of myself for this have fun reading and baiiiiii)

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