We can't love each other/ Fake love

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(A/N I'm so obsessed with this song in Korean that I thought 'why not make a chapter with this as inspiration if this chapter' and yes this book is near the end this story won't have the perfect ending why? cause i thought 'why not make readers cry' well yes I'm evil I'll give you that but it was worth it I needed to make at least a sad book cause for the love of God I have other books to publish on my little pony and I have no intention to publish them all together so bye😅)

Rarity POV

I was walking to school with twilight and fluttershy thinking about yesterday night could that have been Applejack? No it can't be if it was true then how can this relationship work? I thought while walking  "Rarity you've been spacing out lately what have you been thinking about?" Twilight asked "yesterday was something......the monsters we faced not only did they looked like they guys but they are our opposites monsters our race hate each other" I said sad "so you're already jumping to conclusions? What if they are not the guys? What if you come up with the idea of breaking up with them just because you had a stupid feeling?" Twilight said a little pissed off "I don't want to think that way I want to think positive I don't want to loose Pinkie and I think you too don't want to lose Applejack" twilight said with a sad look I looked at the floor and kept walking she is right what if I was just based on a fake information what if those where just other monsters I just hope she is right... we kept walking and we reached the school and the boys where there we smiled and they too smiled but it seemed a sad smile but i ignored it I hugged Applejack and we went to class he kept looking at me for some reason like he was trying to find something out during lunch I decided to talk to him and he just nodded "Jackie why have you been acting weird?" I asked "I...did you go out with twilight and fluttershy yesterday night?" He asked "well for a matter of fact I did and we had fun too why do you ask?" I asked now getting worried that what I thought was getting true "are y-you a Neko? Tell me the truth I need to know" he said looking at the floor u kept quiet for a couple of minutes I couldn't have just said no since sooner or later he would have found out somehow "yes I am..." I said I was scared not because he could have hated me for it but because I could have loosed him because of what I was what if he was the Timberwolf I saw yesterday with the demon and the fallen "i-i saw you with the girls and well.....I was that Timberwolf of last night......I should have said something earlier and not hide the truth.." he said with a cracking voice "then.......what do we do?" I asked hoping he would have said to run away and hide this from our parents "we breakup." He said with a dark look "what? But why? We can run away we don't need or families....." I said crying "no you do need them because if anyone finds out they won't stay alive...so please forget about me about everything and the others I don't want you to get hurt an-" I cut him off by slapping him "you are selfish....you don't think about me? You don't think about how the others around you feel you hurt people and you are here saying you don't want me to get hurt when it's you that is hurting me...... don't ever talk to me....ever" with that I ran to the restroom crying my eyes out he's stupid..... that's what wolves are made of selfishness and pride they never care for the others and all they do I kill....I whiped away my tears and went back to the cafeteria and the girls where sitting in different tables from the boys I looked over Applejack and he was crying that's what he gets for being a heartless idiot I turned away and went over the girls "so we just have to ignore them now?" Fluttershy said looking at her food "no we change school..." Twilight said  "after all what do we have left in this school" she added "nothing..... nothing at all" I said we got up and decided to go back home

Applejack POV

Stupid! stupid! stupid! why did I do that? Why!? I was stupid u just thought that if I brokeup with her I would be able to be friends with her and maybe I could find a compromise with my parents to date a Neko but no......I ruined what I already had for something I can't have back anymore I just hope that she finds a good Neko that takes care of her and treats her just like I would have......I start crying when I saw her enter the cafeteria she looked away and sat with the girls "so........we are just stupid" Pinkie said having straight hair "what do you think?! We gave everything up just for a chance but no.....we were too stupid to see the consequences" Rainbow said putting his hands in his face "it's my fault......" I said "no it's all of us who is at fault.....we gave it too much in this thing called love I hate myself now for it" Rainbow said " an angel that cries what a funny thing...." Pinkie said trying to make us laugh but it only brought us a smile we went home thinking that what we have done wasn't such a great idea after all

(A/N book will end with the next chapter with the epilogue because of why not and even because this is my book and I want to write other books too sooooo baiii)

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