Red Moon Monsters

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Applejack POV

It was finally night time I already told pinkie and rainbow what we were doing during the red moon some blood will be spilled today I put on a white mask covering my hole face I jumped out of the window and went over the hideout in the everfree forest "so what do we do to get them AJ?" Rainbow asked "let's use the old trick we used when we were kids rainbow fake yourself a guardian angel and cundont one by one here were me and pinkamena will tie them up" I said he nodded and left "now all we have to do is wait" I said smiling "awww man I've been waiting all day to kill Trumpet guy and now I have to wait it has to be worth it" he said I nodded "it will be you'll have the honor of killing him with your hands" I said he smiled and sat down"well then let's wait" he said just you wait Tendershoe

Rainbow POV

Now where is that Timber guy house again?.....oh there it is I flew to his window and used an old trick to open his window he was sleeping I smiled and woke him up "hey you wake up!" I said he woke up and looked at me "and you should be?" He asked rubbing his eyes "I'm your guardian angel I need to get you out of here before the killer gets here" I said as serious as possible trying not to laugh "who now?" He asked confused "I know what you did this afternoon this guy pinkie tried to kill you now he is coming for you I'll lead you to safety" I said taking a deep breath holding back laughter he started dressing like crazy "were do we go?" He asked "not from the front door he might see you just hold my hand" I said he nodded and grabbed my hand so I flew to the everfree forest and walked into the hideout "do you trust your guardian angel timber?" I aksed smiling innocently "of course you saved my life" he said smiling I smirked "then enter the house" I said smiling innocently again he nodded and did as said I entered after him and pinkie just knocked him out making him fall to the ground not killing him yet "that was hilarious hahahahahaha" I said laughing "welp want to have fun getting me Tendershoe too?" AJ asked I nodded "wait who is getting discord?" I asked "can't you?" Pinkamena asked "no I can't...I won't be wearing a mask if I go there saying I'm his guardian angel and if course he won't believe me he will say that I look like rainbow dash which well is true since I am me after all" I said "good point I'll get him then" AJ said "how?" I asked " I'll tell him that I kidnapped you and that I would like him to help me scare you to death" he said smirking evily "I'm in as long as he is dead at the end of the night" I said "but of course he will be dead" pinkamena said I nodded and flew to Tenderhoof house his window was open I entered inside and he was in his bed sleeping "wake up!" I said he got up quickly and looked at me "w-who are you? And what are you doing here?" He asked "oh I'm your guardian angel and I'm here to save you from that Applejack guy he's gone crazy" I said looking at him worried "oh God I knew he would try something crazy what should I do then?" He asked "dress up and follow me I'll lead you were you will be safe and sound" I said smiling innocently at him he nodded put on some clothes "were do we come out from?" He asked "hold my hand and never let go" I said he nodded and grabbed my hand I flew us both to the everfree forest and to the hideout "do you trust me?" I asked smiling "of course my guardian angel you saved me from death back there" he said I smirked and then smiled innocently "then step inside the safe house in here you won't face harm" I said gently smiling at him he smiled back and entered inside what a fool I thought smirking evily behind him and I closed the door I made some light with my hands "wait here I'll go in the light" I said "s-sure just be q-quick" he said I nodded and went in the kitchen of the hide out I saw Applejack behind him and knocked him out but not killed him pinkamena onned the lights and we tied up Tenderhoof "no AJ go get discord" I said "sure thing partner he turned completely into a wolf and ran out of the door

Applejack POV

I ran as fast as possible to discird's house I turned back tomy human form and knocked at the door knowing he lives alone "who is it at this time of the night....oh it's you Applejack what do you want?" He asked glaring "are you interested on scaring rainbow dash?" I said smirking "ok you've got my attention what do we do?" He asked "I've done everything I've kidnapped him and all is there to do is just scare him to death" I said smirking "oooooh that's evil and I like it but weren't you two friends?" He asked confused "used to be...." I said he nodded "were is he now?" He asked "at the abandoned house in the everfree forest let's go it's going to be fun" I said "heck yeah!" He said running behind me we reached the house "ready to have the best night ever?" I said before opening the door he nodded and smiled "then have the honor to enter before me" I said he nodded and entered inside rainbow was on top of us he jumped down and knocked discord out not killing him pinkamena onned the lights and smirked "well done guys it was easier than I thought " he said we tied discord with the rest and decided to have a little fun pinkie decided to poor cold water on them to wake them up and it worked they seemed scared we smirked at them "do you trust your guardian angels?" Me pinkamena and rainbow said. In union she were scared and started shouting we tied their mouths too since they were making too much noice for my taste "pinkamena you can go on first have fun" I said pinkamena got a pocket knife and cut open timber's neck he stabbed him a couple of times until he was definitely dead "that was fun~" pinkamena said licking the blood from the knife "I'll go next discord this fore being a total jerk" rainbow said bringing out of nowhere and holy sword "where did you get that from?" I asked surprised "it's my dad's he gave it to me for my birthday" he said cutting discird's legs and hands leaving his arms and head he looked at discord for the last time and cut his head off "whoops I got carried away...." He said making the sword clean and disappear "it's my turn then" I said smirking I made my claws come out I used my had to stab him in his chest and reach his heart "you wanted to give your heart to my girlfriend.....but what if you don't have a heart what will you give her?" I said smirking crushing his heart in my had he started bringing out blood from his mouth and he passed away "damn he's weak you guys had more fun than me" I said whining a little "don't be a crybaby and help us burry them" rainbow said I nodded and we put them all in a deep hole and covered it we went back to our houses and I went to bed

Now nobody will be between me and my girl

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