You Wally

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Fell walking? Abi wanted me to go fell walking with her? What even is fell walking? These were only a few of the many questions that were making Fletch's mind so unsettled. When she had asked he had got flustered and said yes without thinking it through properly. This meant that now was the time when his mind began racing through what would be the result of his quick decision. The Nurse was currently laid out on his back in his soft bed, the thick duvet pulled up under his armpits. Why did I say yes? He thought as he laid in the silence. He hadn't even agreed to go away with Jac when she had asked him to. Saying no to her was currently in his top ten regrets and he hated himself for not going. If he had then maybe they wouldn't be so awkward now and there might have been a chance that their friendship could have taken a step further.

This relationship with Abi was only supposed to be a little bit of fun wasn't it? That's what Fletch had thought but then he went and agreed to this trip. Would it mean their relationship was going one step further? Fletch rubbed his hand over his stubble covered jaw and sighed in frustration. Surely he couldn't take the children with him, for a start Mikey hated Abi. But then again his mother was away on holiday that weekend so he didn't have anyone to look after them. Ugh how do I get out of this? He thought and squeezed his eyes shut, angry with himself for not thinking this through earlier.

~~~~~~~~~~Friday ~~~~~~~~~~

The week rolled past in a blur, Fletch having spent each day trying to come up with a plan to get out of it. It was now the day before they departed and the nurse had admitted his defeat, concluding that he wasn't going to be getting out of it now unless there was a massive emergency such as his own death.

Later that day when he gave up with trying and failing to focus on his paperwork, he marched out of his office and found Jac sitting in her hospital bed in one of the side rooms.
"Hey you," He greeted her softly as he walked in. He watched her glance up from the necklace she had been twiddling between her fingers impatiently. A small smile became etched across her face as she saw him walk towards her and sit on the bed beside her bare legs.
"Hey. How are you?" She asked as she noticed the slight frown engraved on his forehead as if he had been thinking about something for a long time.
"Well where do I start?" He paused and was interrupted by Jac trying to be funny with her usual daily dose of sarcasm. "The beginning?" The man rolled his eyes and continued.
"I've agreed to go fell walking. I regret it. The kids hate her and my mum is away so they'll have to come with me which will probably result in them hating me as well." He spoke sadly.
"So why did you agree?" Jac asked with a smirk. As he did usually when he was stressed or embarrassed, he rubbed his palm over the back of his neck and looked sheepishly into her eyes.
"I don't know. I wasn't thinking, I was under pressure because I didn't want to let her down." He explained.
"Okay, so now you want a way out of it right?" Jac guessed and crossed her legs over at her ankles.
"Yeah kinda." He looked extremely awkward to Jac and she laughed at him for being able to get himself into this situation.
"You're too nice for your own good that's the problem. See if you're more like me, people don't ask you to go away with them and then you don't get in these situations. It's so much easier to live like me." She grinned evilly as he playfully rolled his eyes again. "Oi don't roll your eyes at me Mister otherwise I might not tell you a simple trick I have up my sleeve which will save your skin."
"And what would that be Ms Naylor?"
"Just ring her up tonight after dinner and say one of the kids are throwing up and you think they've probably got a tummy bug so you don't want her catching it. Simple." She shrugged as he looked at her, a little taken aback by how he hadn't thought of that himself already.
"You're brilliant Naylor! Thank you! I could kiss you right now!" He grabbed her cheeks grinning, pleased that he had a way out of this 'fell walking'. He then suddenly realised what he had said and his hands retracted from her face quickly and fell to his lap. The woman sat surprised at his sudden outburst and watched as his face flooded with embarrassment.

Fletch looked down at his hands and twiddled his thumbs, not wanting to look back up to meet her eyes again. Then there was a snort of laughter.
"Oh you wally." Jac said with a huge rare smile. "How do you manage to get yourself into these situations?"
"I honestly don't know, Jac." He replied with an embarrassed smile, finally looking up at her and they held each other's gazes for a time which felt like hours to both people. Fletch was glad that they were on their way to getting back to how they were before.

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