You Didn't Have To

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Jac was first to break their eye contact, suddenly feeling self conscious under his gaze.
"Come on you, shouldn't you be getting home to your children now? Your shift ended ten minutes ago." She spoke, needing some time to herself to think.
"Yeah I guess so, that rabble will be wanting their dinner soon." He paused as if he was debating whether to say something else. "Is there anything I can do for you? Give Emma dinner one day or something? I'm sure both Ella and Emma would love a sleepover."
"She should be okay, she's staying with Sasha so I'm sure she'll be spoilt rotten." Jac spoke sadly with a humourless smile, clearly missing her daughter.
"Okay but if he needs a night off you know where I am." He patted her leg and stood up.
"Thank you but you've got enough to do with your four, she can always go to Jonny's if needs be."
"Listen you, I love having Emma over, she's one of us when she's round mine. If she needs somewhere to go, don't hesitate to ask me. Don't worry about me." He said with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the forehead like he had done just before she left. Fletch turned on his heel and made his way over the door. "See you tomorrow." And with that he left, leaving Jac with flutters in her stomach.

After leaving Jac, Fletch went to his office and picked up his jacket and bag and left to pick up his two youngest from the crèche. He found them both playing with the farm yard set with Emma.
"Hey guys, have you had fun?" Fletch spoke as he walked into the room, noticing that the three were the only children there.
"Daddy!" Ella and Theo shouted in unison and ran over to their father as he crouched down to their height and embraced them in a hug.
"Hello Emma, come over here." He waved her over and she came running.
"Hi Fletch." Emma said confidently. "We've been playing with the farm today, can I show you the baby animals?" She asked and dragged him over by his sleeve. The other two children ran over with them excitedly. "Look at this baby piggy!"
"Aww he's tiny, have you given him a name?" Fletch asked, pretending to be interested in the animal.
"It's a girl piggy Fletch and yes she's called Sarah, like my piggy." Like with her mother, Fletch wasn't fazed in the slightest by the little girls sharp corrections.

It was then that it hit him. Sasha had the same shift as him today, surely he should have been here ages ago to pick up Emma. Their shifts had ended at least half an hour ago by now. He had to go and find out what was happening, he couldn't leave Emma here and not know if she was going to be picked up or not.
"Theo, Ella, can you stay here with Emma and play for a little longer please, Daddy's just got something he needs to sort out before we can go home okay?" Both children nodded and Fletch made his way back out into the main hospital to find Sasha. He walked every ward but there was no sign of him so he approached Nicky just as she was about to go into the locker room to finish her shift. He jogged to catch up with her before she opened the door.
"Nicky! Wait a second. I need to talk to you." She paused with her hand hovering over the door handle and turned to face him with a smile.
"What can I do for you Mr Fletcher?" She asked brightly.
"Have you seen Sasha anywhere? He was supposed to be picking up Emma from the crèche but she's still there. His shift ended forty minutes ago." The woman looked confused for a second but then she remembered.
"Oh yeah he had to leave at around lunch time, something about a family emergency. I think it's something to do with his daughter."
"Oh crap. Thanks Nicky, you're a star. Enjoy your evening!" And with that he rushed back to Jac's room, leaving the female Doctor a bit stunned.

Suddenly Fletch burst in through the door, gasping for breath after running from Keller to Darwin.
"Haven't you gone home yet?" Jac asked with a smirk.
"Well no, I was playing with the kids before we left and then I suddenly realised Emma was still there." He paused to catch his breath before continuing but Jac finished it for him.
"Sasha should have picked her up ages ago."
"Exactly. So I left them all at the crèche and went to find Sasha but instead found Nicky. She then told me that he left at lunch time because of a family emergency or something." Fletch explained, now breathing normally.
"Ah right okay, thank you for finding out for me." She reached over and grabbed her phone off the table beside her bed. "I'll call Jonny now, get your kids home now. Thanks again." She smiled but he didn't move.
"Don't do that, she can come with me, it's no problem. There's no point calling him all the way over here for one night." Fletch tried.
"I can't put that on you Fletch, you must be knackered already." She looked down at her hands guiltily.
"Jac what did I tell you earlier? Anyway what difference is one more well mannered lovely girl going to make in the Fletcher household for one night eh?" He placed a hand over hers and squeezed it.
"If you're sure. Thank you for doing this for me Fletch. Don't forget the plan." She smiled and her gratefulness showed on her face as clear as day.
"Of course I'm sure, now you get some sleep. Don't worry about Emma, she'll be fine with me and the mini Fletchlings."
"I mean it Fletch, thank you. You really didn't have to." Jac squeezed his hand back and then let go.

She smiled as she watched him walk out to go and pick up her daughter and his two children. He could never do enough for her, she thought to herself, this meant so much to her.

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