Emma, Emma, Emma

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"Hey Jac." Sacha looked guilty as he walked into her room the next morning. Jac smiled warmly in greeting as he made his way over to stand beside her bed. "I'm so sorry about last night. I got a call from Becca and I panicked. I'm so sorry."
"Sacha it's fine, Nicky told us you had a family emergency so Fletch looked after her. She was fine. What happened then?" Jac expressed an unusual interest in what had unfolded whilst she was cooped up in hospital.
"Becca had an accident at home and had fallen down the stairs. She phoned to say that she was at St James' and was about to go in for surgery on her ankle. Apparently she damaged it badly but this surgery will help to get her back up on her feet in a few weeks." The Doctor explained.
"Ah okay. How is she today?" She asked.
"A bit sleepy from the anaesthetic but otherwise fine." Jac nodded as Sacha sucked in a breath. "Anyway I better get back onto the ward now, can't hide in here all day."
"You've been on shift for half an hour, surely it can't be that bad?" She chuckled.
"Oh it is." He spoke from over by the door and pushed his way out through the doors, leaving Jac in silence. She sighed, fed up of being confined to this blank white walled room.

A few empty moments later the door reopened and a small child ran in.
"Mummy!" She shouted and tried to climb up on the bed.
"Hey baby!" Jac said enthusiastically and hoisted her daughter up onto the mattress beside her. "Did you come here by yourself big girl?"
"No silly! Fletch is outside!" Emma giggled.
"Can you go and get him for me please sweetheart?" She kissed the top of her head and watched as she jumped down.

Emma reappeared through the door tugging Fletch behind her.
"Hey you." He said as he approached her side. "Come here rascal." He turned to Emma and picked her up and placed her on the bed once again. In the process he tickled her sides, making her squeal and squirm in mid air. The surgeon watched with a rare genuine smile and wished she could make her daughter as happy as Fletch did. "Be careful of Mummy, she's still a bit sore okay?" Emma nodded enthusiastically and sat happily, hands in her lap and legs swinging down the side.

"I'm guessing the plan went well then?" Jac asked.
"Yup, she was totally convinced, gutted though. I could hear it in her voice." He spoke with sadness and guilt in his own. Emma looked between the two, confused as to what they were discussing.
"So baby, what did you have for dinner last night at Fletch's house?" She asked turning her attention to her daughter.
"Chicken nuggets and chips." Emma looked proud of herself for remembering and grinned. "Oh and we had sweeties and popcorn because we watched a film!"
"Oh did you now?" Jac raised an eyebrow at Fletch over the top of the child's head as he looked sheepishly back at her.
"It was only a few..." He tried to defend himself as he knew she wasn't keen on feeding her child too much sugar.

Fletch sat and watched the pair have insignificant conversation from his place on the end of Jac's bed, warmth filling his heart at the sight of the mother and daughter in front of him. Too soon it was time to take Emma away; Sacha was waiting for her up on Keller.
"Come on Mini Naylor, I think it's time we left Mummy to have a rest now eh?" He held out his hands to the small girl so she could be lifted back onto the floor and she scrambled forward to meet him. Once she was back firmly on the ground, Fletch grabbed the surgeon's warm hand which was laid limply on the bed beside her and gave it a tight squeeze. "I'll see you later Naylor. Be good and no scaring anymore Nurses out of their jobs okay?"
"Yes sir." She mock saluted him and smiled. "I'll try not to, no promises though." He rolled his eyes and took Emma's hand.
"Bye bye Mummy!" Emma shouted and began to drag Fletch to the door.
"Bye baby." She replied as the door shut behind them.

Fletch and Emma climbed their way up the stairs to find Sacha with the little girl taking dramatically large steps, extending her legs out. Two flights and they arrived on the ward.
"Look there he is!" The Nurse pointed over to the nurse's station where Mr Leevy was situated. Emma let go of Fletch's hand and ran over to her mothers best friend who hauled her up into his lap. When Fletch caught her up he said goodbye to them both and made his way back downstairs. "Now you be a good girl for Uncle Sacha and I'll see you later okay?" He had said before leaving.

When he arrived back down on Darwin, he decided to check in on Jac again. Might as well make my trip here on my day off worth it, he thought to himself as he pushed open the side room door.
"Hey y-" He stopped short when he was faced with an empty bed. Fletch stepped further into the room and looked around for clues as to where she may have been but found nothing. He left the room once again and came across Freida.
"Hey have you seen Jac? Has she been moved somewhere else?" He asked her in a rush.
"Nope, she hasn't left that room since you came out." She drawled in response. "Anyway, what's happening between you two now? Have you confessed your love to her yet?"
"One I have no clue what you're talking about and two not now Petrenko, I need to find her. She might be in danger." He said distracted by his frantic thoughts. Fletch rushed back to the surgeon's room to once again find it was empty. Or so he thought until he saw dark blonde hair splayed out across the floor on the other side of her bed. "Jac?!" He called in shock. He moved around to where she was. Jac was laid on the floor, face pressed to the cold concrete...unconscious.

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