I am not sure that their broken up. Adam is not stupid enough to break up over a twitter fight. I didnt see it cuz I dont have twitter but if it was bad enough you dont tell someone youre breaking up with someone on twitter!
Also adam loves to prank people, minepranks havent gotten a video in a long time so he could be minepranking us.
If they really did breakup the fans dont give a sheit. Their spaming him with stuff like. 'OMG HES FREE!' really? You really think he would date someone who dosent give a sheit that his hearts been broken twice in like 6 months!?!?!?!?!?
ADHD<~>Highway to-Hey look! A squirrel.
SonstigesMe being random and crazy cuz yolo and I have ADHD, attention Deficit hyperacical disorder. Or hell disoder. Yes I have a disorder. It makes me crazy so be happy. ._____.<whale