9/11. Its terrible. I hate it. It makes me sick that someone can do that. I want to recinize everyone who died that day. They all died as heros(except for the highjackers...). And dont forget the Pentagon and the Pennslyviania.
Its days that brings america together. Im listening to patriotic songs right now. 9/11 gave use grief but we also stood up and kicked Bin Ladens ass. If THAT and the Pennslyvnia plane crash, people risking there lives, doesnt make you swell with pride and want to shout 'MURICA! Nothing can.
ADHD<~>Highway to-Hey look! A squirrel.
AléatoireMe being random and crazy cuz yolo and I have ADHD, attention Deficit hyperacical disorder. Or hell disoder. Yes I have a disorder. It makes me crazy so be happy. ._____.<whale