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Dear Daisy,

     It is true. Mom was right. It was not a joke. It was not a surprise. You were not laughing in my face when I arrived home. You did not jump on me. There was nothing to prove you were alive. And that part that wished and hoped and almost believed you were, had disappeared.

I walked into the driveway, noticing the ambulance car parked in front of the short gate in front of our home. That’s when I knew everything was true. I ran inside the already opened door and I found mom and dad weeping as they talked to a couple of paramedics.

“Where is she?” was the first thing that came out of my mouth. And they told me you were still in your room and I ran up the stairs and into your room. And I found you. You were on your bed. You were not moving. You were dead. And I did not know what to do. I stood still. I just stood staring at you for a good 10 minutes, until I was told you needed to be moved to the hospital.

And now I am sitting in the hallway, in the hospital, writing to you. Wishing you’d be able to read this.



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