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Deep the Mountains of Zargon there is a dragon training grounds runned by humans called Camp Hacaba. Behind the walls of this desolate camp is a cave buried 15 years ago to hide a dragon girl barely two years old. The only way to control the human's fear from taking over was to shoot down the growing dragon with arrows laced with poison so that the beast's overwhelming power can stay hidden away from all. Magic was the only way used to open the cave to give the hatchling food so that one day she could be used as a weapon against the kingdom's greatest enemies.


Fresh air filled the dark cavern. Sahara breathed in deeply, welcoming the scents of the outside world. Creaking and light shuffling could be heard from the dragon's right side. She couldn't see but Sahara didn't need to to know that the humans were preparing the next arrow.

Years of darkness and poison had robbed the young girl of her sight. It never seemed to faze her though as she continued to walk through life alone, never giving it another thought. One young mage boy used to sneak into the cavern at night in order to spend time with the beast. He taught Sahara how to talk and even how to read through Braille. It wasn't long before he was caught and whipped to death. That was the first and the last time Sahara was ever let out of her cage; to witness the death of her friend. She couldn't see what was happening but the screams were something she would never forget.

"Are you almost done yet?" Sahara snarled at the humans as they prepared the arrow. "I wish to be alone to eat."

She instantly regretted her word as she felt the sharp tongue of the spiked whip. Growling she felt the arrow pierce the sensitive flesh under her for legs near her heart.

"That will shut you up you filthy beast. I still don't understand why the poison is being wasted on you. It could be being used to train the other disobedient rats." One of the men spat.

Sahara slowly laid down on the side without the arrow. The words of pure hate wasn't what bugged her, it was the fact that she knew she the humans kept her in here because they feared her. They always kept shields meant to deflect dragon magic near them incase she tried anything. Sahara didn't ever want to hurt people.

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