Chapter 8

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Superrrr long chapter guys!! Enjoy!

Row's POV:

And so, I ran. I ran till the sound of swords chiming died out. I could see the tunnels end but an arm pulled back causing me to stumble. I fought the man's grip and when it didn't loosen I used my heel to stub his toe. A cry of agony left his mouth but I was too late two men stood behind me blocking the exit and more approaching with Valiant at the front. "No! No! Please just let me go! Please I beg you!"

The whole population of the castle heard my screams no doubt and I didn't stop until someone's hand covered my mouth. Yet again I tried to break free by biting his hand and elbowing him in the chest casing him to completely let me go. I was free again and I was running until he caught me a final time and lifting me up onto his shoulder. Two men approached me with a piece of rope. One attempted to hold my hands together and the other tied me up.

We had reached the caged area I had seen on the first night and the portcullis to the inside was raised. We were waiting for who knows what so instead of standing around doing nothing I decided to do a bit of eavesdropping.

I could hear the laughs from everyone in the filled up room of this dreadful camp which only quietened down at the voice of that barbarian Hengist. "Before you die, I can promise you the most unimaginable pain." More cheers filled the room. "You can do what you will with me, I do not care. You can do no harm to Lady Rosa." Lancelot... no...He sounded so impressed, if only he knew how I had failed him. "And you really believe she is worth dying for?"

"She is worth more to me than you will ever understand". Without any more time to my own thoughts we began walking, well I say we... Valiant carried me up the slight incline and literally threw me to the ground so that I landed on my knees.

I couldn't even look at him without feeling the shame. All I heard was the low mutter of a no coming from his lips. "You thought she got away? No, you failed her! And that must hurt you more than I would ever understand." He said that last bit in a totally different pitch to his usual gravely one. "He didn't fail me, he did his best and that is all anyone can ask for. He wouldn't have to risk his life if it wasn't for you and your pompous bandit members!"

"Was that meant to offend me Lady Rosa? It did everything but. I'm starting to grow tired of your defiant behaviour."

"Well at least I'm not a coward hiding behind some bars from facing me up close? Tell me Hengist what is so terrifying to you? Not used to women standing up for themselves?" He slammed his hands against the bars hoping it would at least startle me but nothing. "Tie them up!"

Valiant was back at my side again "get your hands off me or a swear I'll-" He laughed wickedly before cutting me off. "You'll what Lady Rosa? You'll kill me? Think you're a bit tied up at the moment?"

Lancelot and I were now back to back at the mercy of these crooks. We knew our fate already but it was a matter of when.

Hengist silenced his crowd and began to pace around. "What do you say! Shall I spare them?" Can you guess what they did? They laughed and began to chant the phrase 'kill them'. The panic that arose in me then was indescribable. I quickly turned to Lancelot as much as I could despite the awkward fact that we were tied back to back. "I am sorry! This is all my fault."

"You have nothing to be sorry for! You reminded me of who I am and I will die with faith in my heart! That is worth more than anything."

"Release the wildren!" cheers surrounded us and I couldn't help closing my eyes. The last thing I saw on this earth would not be the face of that beast! I heard it's screeching and its footsteps becoming increasingly louder by the second and my head was now against Lancelot's hoping that the sense of someone would at least take away the horrid feeling of loneliness I found.

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