Chapter 21

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Arthurs POV:

Just as my father had wished myself and a few of the knights were saddled up and ready to depart. Row and I did not even get the chance to say goodbye as my father practically pushed me towards my horse with Merlin holding the reins while I mounted.

The sound of hooves echoed through the citadel as we began our journey to the outer regions of Camelot before passing through the gate I turned around to see Row waving goodbye just as I was about to raise my own hand she was out of sight.

This nonsense that reminded me of fairy-tale stories ruined the day I had planned. I was going to take Row for a picnic in the forest but seems something always gets in our way.

Minutes... hours however long we were journeying for was making me increasingly more frustrated not only was I mad at my father for sending me out here, but Merlin was being a little pansy again. Turning back to face him I shook my head "what is it Merlin? Don't tell me you've been listening to Gaius' bedtime stories again!" I bellowed. "I just hope that's all they are" he called back with a shaky voice and eyes wide.

We decided to not stop on route and rather get our job done and go home. Like my father said this was just a way to reassure the people of Camelot that everything was fine. But at long last we arrived and the tall towers of Idirsholas could be seen ahead. We galloped across the plain until we arrived at the ruined gatehouse where we tied our horses. Everything seemed fine but none the less we had our swords out ready for anything.

Our footsteps were silent as we continued further into the once mighty castle. Merlin was not far behind me as he attempted to be stealthy. "What's that noise?" his head whipped back eyes darting side to side. "What noise?" I asked sighing. "That sort of... trembling sound". My eyes rolled at his nerves getting the better of him. Being the nice person, I am I decided to lighten the spirit. "That's your knees knocking together...."

At the end of the courtyard I noticed what seemed to be the main entrance of the place, so my knights and I headed straight for there. I placed my hand on the slightly agar solid wood door and pushed it open slightly hearing it creak and moan from the lack of use. Taking a step in nothing seemed out of place and the corridors were as you would expect a ruined castle to be, dark and dusty. We decided not to split up in case there was some travellers or bandits camping out within these walls instead we made our way quietly through the different hallways making sure to check every single room.

Following the set path, we were definitely near the centre of the building from what I could tell, and the design of the place was rather odd. From what we had seen so far, the doors were all wooden but before me now was an archway with an old iron gate which creaked as I pushed it open.

In the centre of the room stood a large round fire pit with ash laying in the centre. This must have been the source of the smoke that the villager saw. The knights and I, as well as Merlin, entered the room noticing the empty space our swords were lowered. Merlin and I made our way to the fire pit and I ran some of the ash through my fingers. "Seems part of Josephs story was true. Probably travellers just passing through". Just as I predicted from the start.

My eyes glanced around the room and from the corner of my eye I noticed Merlin turn quickly to the back of us and make a somewhat gulping sound. "Or maybe not..." rolling my eyes before turning around only to come face to face with seven iron masked 'knights' draped in black cloth along with their armour underneath the heavy cloaks. My very own group of knights no doubt shared the shocked expression as I held.

In unison the seven knights unsheathed their swords and charged straight for us. The centre knight approached me, and my sword was up and ready for his attack. Maybe this wasn't just some fairy-tale... His stance was aggressive causing me to take steps back but I managed to block his advances well and then began the offence stance. His defence was slower than what I anticipated but he nearly managed to get me, his last move didn't give him much time to react so I quickly took my chance giving him the final blow his head hung low but then he growled and rose once again raising his sword above his head before bringing it down to me which I blocked.

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