Chapter 20

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Rows POV:

Dark castle walls surrounded me as I approached an open door ahead. It revealed a small chamber with what looked to be a fire pit in the centre. The most striking feature of the room was the seven masked statues that surrounded the pit I tired taking a step forward, but it was as if I had been frozen in my spot. The next thing it felt was the brush on my shoulder and beside me stood a familiar figure. Her long blonde curls bounced as she walked towards the centre of the room with a devilish smirk.

She began to take long but slow strides around the circle of statues and then began to speak in a language only used by those with magic. Once completing her spell a flame burst from the pit and the statues began to wake from their eternal sleep all of their heads turned towards Morgause who was ecstatic but then they all shapely turned in my direction where a figure I did not seek to see again approached my side and met my eyes. "Watch out, we're coming for you" and her laughed echoed around me.

A scream escaped my lips as I covered my ears still hearing her laugh. "Why won't she leave me alone" I muttered. The sound of guards knocking on my door made my trembling hands shake more. "My lady Rosa are you alright?" I inhaled deeply knowing that I would have a shaky voice. "Yes... everything is alright. But could you fetch Merlin for me please?" he replied with an of course and set off to get him. I got out of my bed reaching for the nightgown I head left hanging over my chair near the fire and found its warmth somewhat soothing.

The moon was full, and its beams of light shone across the city creating a beautiful atmosphere. The guard had returned asking permission for Merin to enter and then the door was opened. His hair was a mess and his shirt was hanging loosely. His strides were long as he walked towards me arms open. We stood there in silence for a few moments and he stroked my hair clutching me close. Merlin was always the one I would go to if I was upset or scared. "What's wrong Row?"

"I had another nightmare..." he leant back slightly noticing my slightly glossy eyes. "The same one?" I shook my head and his eyebrows furrowed. "It was her doing though, she was in it and spoke to me". I pulled away walking to my windows and wrapping my arms around my own body. "Somethings wrong Merlin, what I saw felt so real almost as if I was there with them". He was now sat on my bed and patted beside him asking me to sit down.

The two of us were there till the sun rose and the bird's song could be heard and then long after. I had told him everything and he said he would ask Gaius for advice, but I was quick to stop him. "There is nothing he can do, and you know it. You remember what I told you at those ruins I am cursed. I am forced to deal with these horrid nightmares from her."

The citadel clock struck 8'oclock signalling the start of the day. Merlin was not even dressed yet due to me holding him up. I pulled him off the bed and pushed him towards the door. "You'd better go before Arthur starts complaining! We are due to hear the petitions of the people in a few hours!" 

He chucked, "You know he's not a morning person, if i didn't go and shove him awake none of his jobs would get finished before the sun sets". A hint of a smile graced my face and with that all said he waved and dashed off down the hall. 

Closing the door behind me I began to make my bed and rearranging the cushions when Gwen walked in. "Row! Please that's my job" she put the basket of laundry she was carrying on the floor before coming over and stopping me. Her eyes met mine no doubt noticing the dark circles beneath mine. Her hand rested on my shoulder. "Are you alright Row? You don't look yourself. Perhaps you should take a day to rest get some sleep?"

"No!... no I am quite fine" Gwen only seemed more worried now. "Anything you need please ask me Row, you know I'd do anything to help you." She sweetly smiled to me before putting the basket load of laundry away.

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