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After the guards came in to take his now empty plate, Leo didn't immediately try to escape. He had to think of some way to get out without getting caught. And right now, all scenarios were pointing towards him getting caught.

He had the knife hidden in his jacket sleeve and he could use it to cut the ropes that held him, but what good will it do with the guards outside? There had to be another way.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard the familiar sound of heals stopping at his door.

Hera opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She sat in the seat in front of him as usual.

"How you doing, Leo? Comfortable?" She asked in a teasing way. Leo glared at her.

"Oh, yeah. Peachy. Being tied to a metal chair and getting rope burn is so comfortable." He gave her a are-you-kidding-me-isn't-it-obvious-I'm-not-okay look. She shrugged and crossed her legs.

"We close to find where the blueprints are so we can finish the machine."

"And you're telling me this because...?"

"Because why not? After I get it back, you'll finally know your purpose in still being here." This got Leo's attention.

"Cant you just tell me now? I'm bored." Leo said, trying to get Hera to comply. He honestly was surprised when she nodded.

"I'm having a good day so why not. Let me explain else first."

"Argo II is most nearly finished. We were able to decode all the many codes your annoying father decided to write the instructions with. But the last one. The last one is different from all the other codes. We cant figure it out."

"That's why you're here Leo. I think you're the last piece of the puzzle. Well, you better hope you are." Leo processed the information.

So, Hera wanted me so that I could solve the last puzzle. But there's just one problem with that.

"Hate to break it to you, but I've tried to decode it. I was never able to even do the first ones, let alone the last one." Leo informed.

"That's the thing," Hera started,"I think it's because you've been looking at all the instruction as if they were the same code. They're not."

"Each instruction was made in different code to confuse me. But the last one is not a code that even professionals have seen."

"Okay, but." Leo interrupted, "I only knew my dad for like a few months. He didn't share a code with me." Hera leaned in closer to Leo.

"And what about your mother?"

This question caught Leo off guard. The only code his mother and him ever shared was Morse Code. But everyone knows about Morse Code. If professionals don't know about the code, then it can't be Morse.

But if his mother had actually shared another code, what is it?

"And if, let's say, I do end up figuring it out, what are you planning to do with it?" Hera looked as if she was debating on whether or not to tell Leo. "Come on, please?" Hera sighed and Leo cheered. In his head of course.

"I'm gonna use it to get justice. Plain and simple." Hera answered.

"For what? Who?"

"My family. I will avenge my family by burying alive those who killed them" Leo's eyes widen. Leo looked at her to see if she was lying, but this is probably the most honest truth she has told.

She's dead serious about doing this.

"See, Leo were not that different, you and I. You wanted revenge too, right?"

My Heart Short Circuits - CALEO -Where stories live. Discover now