lets relax!

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Cullen's POV

right now I'm sitting on a plane with some stranger's head on my shoulder while the person is fast asleep. i don't know how it happen i mean we were watching transformers when i guess she just dozed off!

i looked to my left to see liam talking to some girl with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. i pulled out my phone and texted him


way to move on;)

i sent the texted and watched him read it but as soon as he did he turned around and his eyes widened when he saw the strangers head on my shoulder i tried to shake my head but i didnt wanna wake the girl up. just a couple seconds later i got a text.

from: lyummmmm

way to leave everthing back in texas ;)

i looked at liam and rolled my eyes im guessing the blone knew we were talking because she looked over at the stranger and freaked out and pulled out her phone out and thats when the stranger shot up making me jump.

she looked around then checked her phone before her eyes widened "oh my god I'm so sorry i don't know you your a stranger i didn't mean to fall asleep and-" i stopped listening and watched her she was running her hand through her hair and not making eye contact with me "hey hey its okay" i said smiling at her she looked up at me and just nodded.

watching her made me wonder what Addison is doing right now.. is she missing me or is she going crazy at the beach? maybe i should call her when i get off or  at least when i get to the beach house but it wont be late till we get there. man i sound like a girl.

liams POV

when we got on the plain we found out none of us were seated together which was really odd. when i got on the plane i searched for my seat to find a blonde looking out the window.

"looks like we our sharing seats" i said putting my bag on the self above our seats she just nodded as i took my seat.

i pulled out my earphones and pressed the lock button on my phone to see a picture of me and Ariel i sighed and put my head down

"um is that your girlfriend?" the blonde said looking down at my phone i shook my head "no she um actually broke up with me last night.." i said trailing off she just nodded "well you seem pretty cool so her loss" she said giving me a small smile i smiled back "thanks" i shouldn't be to nice this girl is a stranger she could turn on me at any minuet and kill me. ha ha that would be creepy.

"so where are you from?" she asked pushing some stray hairs that had gotten loose behind her ear "Texas" i said laying back in my seat a little she nodded and laughed "cowboy?" she asked i looked down at what i was wearing which was some sweats and a bro tank "um no" i said raising an eyebrow "darn cowboys always have some great stories to tell" she said snapping her fingers i laughed and so did she.

"wanna watch keeping up with the kardashions?" she asked who does this gil think i am I'm a dude! bu when i went to tell her no she was giving me this look where her bottom lip stuck out and her eyes were wide. don't cave liam you need your man hood! "ummm i uhhh ugh sure" i said taking an earphone i couldn't take it any longer it was like the longer i stared the more harder it got to say no!

after the first 3 episodes it started to get good! i didn't know they lived like this! but Blondie was starting to get tired which i found really cute. she was almost asleep when my phone buzzed

from: cullen the vampire

way to move on;)

i just rolled my eyes and searched for where he was sitting when i spotted him with a girl who's head just happen to be resting on his shoulder while she was fast asleep oh there was no way i was gonna let him live this one down.

to: Cullen the vampire

way to leave everything back in Texas;)

i guess Blondie saw who i was textin cause she jumped up which scared the crap out of me "is that your friend?" she asked pointing to Cullen i nodded she whipped out her phone texted something then watched a few seconds later the girl that had her head rested on Cullen sprung up and started talking fast to Cullen.

me and Blondie were laughing at what had just happen "was that your friend?" i asked she nodded while still letting out little giggles she was truly beautiful i guess i was staring cause her giggles faded "what are you staring at?" she asked i just shrugged and we started watching the kardashions again.

after what seemed like 10 minutes she started to fall asleep. i slowly moved her head on to my shoulder so she would feel comfortable. i had 1 hour left till i was landing in Cali which was such a thrill to think about! i really hope the guys win this we could become huge! we would probley get our on reality show!

thank yall for reading picture of addison on the side!!

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