Fast forward

16 0 0

"Lu!" I screamed from the couch "LU LU!

"WHAT!" She screamed back from my kitchen, she has basically lived at my house for the past five years. Her parents travel a lot for work sometimes for months at a time and instead of homeschooling her my parents told her's that she should stay with us when they are gone. So Lu's parents bought us bunk beds and help my parents out with groceries and Lu and I get the twin sister we both always wanted.

"GET ME A SODA! PLEASE!" I screamed hoping she would do it there was about a fifty percent chance she would come back into the living room with a soda for herself flick my off and pop down onto the couch next to me. Surprisingly she came back with not only two sodas but a big bowl of popcorn to share! "You are the best!" I said shoving popcorn into my mouth. "Ya I know" she replied changing the channel from the reality tv show I had on to the movie channel. At the same time we saw the Mama Mia was on screaming we jumped up and down on the couch spilling popcorn all over the ground.

"If I didn't know any better I would think some one was getting murdered in here!"

"Simon!" I screeched running towards the door throwing my arms around my other best friend. "Hey Dorothy how's Kansas been since I left?" He asked chuckling "I'll let you know once I move out of Alabama and into Kansas you dork!"

Looking over my shoulder he nodded at Lu, "Hey Lu Lu how's it hanging?"

"It's Alabama in August dumbass it's hot sticky and everyone's waiting for football season to start" she replied with classic snark. "You staying for a while? We were just about to drool over Pierce Brosnan and wish we had the talent of Meryl Streep."

"Well you know I love watching y'all fall head over heels for a man that's twice your age," he paused to wink at me with those beautiful golden green eyes causing my heart to skip a beat, "but I have to go see Violet before she realizes I came to see my two best girls before her." Then my heart dropped. Of course the girlfriend how could I forget that when he wasn't spending time with Lu and I he was playing football and dating the head cheerleader.

"Ah yes you go from the pleasure of being Simon back to the pressure of being West the football prodigy." Lu piped up from the couch

"Oh shove it Lucile Vi doesn't care about the football shit," he said leaning up against the door frame. His t-shirt pulled across his chest showing off his muscles I tore my eyes away meeting Lu's. She is the only one that know about my little crush.... well crushes you see the year after I met Simon I met Sammy and the year after that I met Louis. It's not my fault that we got a string of cute new boys into a small town in Alabama. I happened to get crushes on all of them.

"Dory?" Simon questioned "you okay? You've been staring into space for like a minute."

"Ya I'm fine," and with a small push towards the door I said, "you better get going we all know how Violet can be"

And with one last smirk he walked outside and looked over his shoulder he said, "Dory she can be mad all I want there is no way I'm not going to come see my second favorite girl before any girl I'm dating"

"Second favorite!" I screamed back out raged

"Ya second one will pass my mom to be my favorite!" He laughed as he got on to his motorcycle racing down the street as his slightly over grown honey brown/blond hair poked out under his helmet.

At some point Lu had moved from the clubs to where I stood in the door frame staring at the first of three boys I had feelings for.

"Don't worry" Lu said at the sigh I had let slip out, "if he doesn't come to his senses then you have two other options!" I whipped around and slapped her on the arm, "if I was that god damned easy I would have my love life figured out wouldn't I!" Laughing we both sat back down on the couch and belted out the sound track of Mama Mia until we felt slightly horse and decided that it was time to stop before our theater director killed us.

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