Third grade

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Simon, Lu and I were sitting on the monkey bars the first time I laid eyes on Sammy Smith. To a third grade girl that only had eyes for one boy, her best friend, Sammy was a dream come true. He pulled him self up on to the monkey bars between Lu and I and said "hi I'm Sammy Smith I'm from southern Illinois and I think I want to be y'all's friend."It was as if his mom had given him a script to make friends but it worked and after that  we were all were a little group. I don't know when my little third grade mind decided to trade perfect Simon for dorky Sammy but it happened. I went from pinning after the sportiest guy in the class to the one who tried to get me to read his favorite comic books (which I finally did in middle school and now I'm hooked).

The four of us spent all our time together Simon would try to teach us how to play football, Sammy would have us over to watch superhero movies and try to point out what they got wrong, Lu would cry when her parents would have to leave and her grandmother would have to come stay and we would all go over and keep her company until her grandmother made us go home. Then there was me I was the little drama queen I was already involved with theater and dancing. I would try to get Sammy to dance with me but he would trip over his own feet. Simon thought he was getting to cool to dance and needed more guy friends. That made Sammy so mad he vowed never to talk to him again.

Then about three months later I had a pretty bad fall while dancing and broke my leg. They kept my in the hospital for two nights because they thought the bone might have poked through a muscle and couldn't get a clear x-ray until the swelling went down. And when my mom called my three best friend's moms and we all pilled into that hospital bed, we vowed to never fight again.

The rest of third grade we spent together when we could but we were all pretty busy Lu and I got cast in a musical that the high school was putting on, Simon got on to the high school's kid football team, and Sammy found a comic book store that would give him three comic off the $5 rack for every hour that he swept up around the store. We were the four happiest nine year olds on the planet.

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