The Dance

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The next week was a blur I found a cute dress for cheep and Brian walked me home everyday. The third day it happened Simon came over later and made a comment about seeing Brian around so much. 

"Why would you say that Simon do you think you're the only one who has people all over them all the time? Maybe guys like me as much as girls like you!"  I had said it out of frustration but as the words came out of my mouth they felt very true. I was jealous that Simon got all the attention and I didn't get any it seemed. 

"Dory you know it's not like that it's just I don't like him! And I don't like that you spend time with him." He sighed as he got the words out knowing that I would not react well to that. 

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realized I needed your permission to have another person in my life! Someone who I like very much! Maybe I'll ask Briam to be my boyfriend then you will have to get over your dislike or at least pretend not to be trying to control who I hang out with!" I huffed angrier with him than I had know I could I could be. How dare he I finally have a boy that sees me the way I had wanted him to see me for years and he thinks he can make him go away! 

"Dory don't be mad I love you and I don't want to see my best friend get hurt!" he pleaded with his eyed begging me to listen but for some reason I told him that I would see  him at the dance and made sure he was out of view to let my tear fall. 

The day of the dance came quickly and Lu and I got ready together, she was the only one who knew what Simon had said to me and I could tell that she wanted more information because she was being logical and knew Simon would never do something like that for no reason. But I was being to had headed to see the situation clearly. 

We got to the dance and Lu immediately left to go dance with Andi, that left me alone for a few seconds before Sammy walked over. 

"Where's your boy-friend?" he questioned with a smirk

"So Simon told you?" he nodded "I don't know why Simon isn't just happy I'm happy like everyone else. Like he just wants me to be his lonely friend forever doesn't he?" I asked getting aggravated. 

"Of course not Dory he never would have said anything unless he really didn't like this guy you know that. You also know you need to go find out why he doesn't like him because there is no way that you are letting a boy come between friends just like you would never let us be dumb enough to let a girl come between us." As Sammy said this I knew he was right I nodded not wanting to say out loud that he was right but wanting him to know I understood what he said. 

"Thanks Sammy what would I do without you?" 

"Be super sad all the time?" He joked giving my a hug and sending me on my way to go find Simon. 

As I was wondering around looking for Simon I saw Brian in the corner of the gym with his back to me. "Brian!" I called out waiting for him to turn around. I walked over thinking he might not have heard me because it was so loud. I got over there and saw that there we hand on his neck... female hands. "Brian?" I whispered hoping that there was and explanation that wasn't what I thought. He turned around with a beautiful shade of lipstick on his lips that I'm pretty sure wasn't there when he got to the dance. 

"Crap! Dorthy I can explain!" He said pushing away the girl who was hanging off of him. "It's just I didn't mean for you to find out like this but my ex-girlfriend just moved back into town and we are getting back together." He looked at me and I couldn't believe I had been so stupid he wasn't over his girlfriend! That's why Simon didn't trust him he must have heard him say something! 

As tears welled up in my eyes I shook my head  "You should have told me before you went back to smoochin' someone else Brian it was a jerk move and I can tell you know it." I said holding back tears and his girlfriend walked over to me 

"Dorthy I'm so sorry if I had known he had come here with someone else I never would have kissed him it was my fault!" she said it with such sincerity I had to believe her. 

"It's okay," I said it and really meant it. Of course I was sad I had really thought that Brain was a nice guy that I could fall for but I understood what had happened. I wished them both a good night and found Simon and Sammy they were sitting at a table with and extra glass of punch

"It's yours if you want it," Simon smiled that crooked half smile I couldn't resist. 

"Of course I would never turn down watered down punch!" I laughed as I sat down later Louis, Julia, Andi and Lu all joined and we all went back to my house for s'mores and scary movies.  As I laid across the couch feet on Sammy's lap and head plopped on a pillow on Simon's legs seeing Lu and Andi cuddled up on one arm chair and Louis and Julia in the other I finally understood that this moment with my friends  was better than some stupid plan to get a date to the dance. 

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