Tears can't stain...but mascara can

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I got into the house and then I let the tear flow, how could he think that of me? I voice my opinions but I never thought that it was affecting my friends negatively. Lately I had been talking more and more about leaving this town, I thought Simon was on the same page as me but I guess he had his own ideas about how to enjoy high school. What do I care what he thinks anyway he knew who he was becoming friends with from our first conversation I say what I want when it comes into my mind and I don't care what anyone one says! But the real question is if I don't care why do I feel like a kite in a hail storm?

"Dory?" I felt a hand come down on to my back "Are you okay?" I brushed away my tears hoping that I didn't look to much like a raccoon.  

"I'm great" I sniffed unconvincingly "West has said his peace and obviously he doesn't want to be around me anymore" I punctuated the t in West so hard I felt the hand flinch. 

"Dory...don't be like this you two just need to talk" I finally looked up shocked to see Louis standing next to me I had been expecting to see Sammy because of the soft tone. I had never hear Louis speak to anyone like that. "I know what he said hurt but just because someone hurts you it doesn't mean that you shouldn't give them another chance." He finished with such a sad smile it amazed me, I didn't know what had happened with him the sadness traveled up to his gray eyes. 

"Louis are you okay?" I asked wondering what had happened to make him so sad. 

"I'm fine Royal Blue lets get you off the floor and back into the living room okay?" The sadness left just as quickly as it had come and his usual cockiness replaced it. He had even thrown in the nickname he only used to poke fun at me. It was Royal Blue Tang  after the fish from Finding Nemo. He thought that was what my parents had named me after and did a ton of research about the fish so he could relate to me better in 5th grade. I was so confused by his random fish facts I got him to confess and he called me Royal Blue all the way through middle school. 

I started walking down the hall to the living room I was shocked to find it empty. I sat down on the couch and looked around finally meeting Louis' eye. He nervously brushed his swooping black hair out of his eyes "I really need a hair cut my hair it's getting out of hand" He laughed softly as if he knew what was coming next. 

"Where..." I sniffed and cleared my throat hoping it would help the quiver in my voice, "Where is everyone else" I closed my eyes as I waited for the answer. It was a loaded question I was hurt no one else had bothered to check on me but also Louis was never the one who I would have thought of to comfort me in this kind of situation. 

"Sammy thought it would be better if maybe there were fewer people here and Lu... she just wasn't sure she was on your side for this one..." Louis couldn't meet my eye he must know how much it cut like a knife to hear that. Lu was supposed to be there for me and she couldn't even face me to tell me that she wasn't.  

"Oh... I'm sorry I asked...thanks for being here" I looked at him and smiled and tried my best to stop the tears from pouring out again. It worked too just about until Louis pulled me into a hug and whispered, "It's okay to cry when things suck...and today really sucked." That's when the damn broke and it felt like I would never stop sobbing into that poor boy's shirt. 

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