CHPT17: Magic Prince Eating Bear

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Mako's POV:

Note to self; Leo can travel very efficiently with that earth travel thing, but it completely drains him if their are too many people. Our company of ten, for instance, was too much. The second we popped up on the other side, Leo's knees gave way and he crashed into me. Not that he was particularly heavy, but it was concerning all the same. I often wondered what having an earth goddess in his body was doing to him physically, since I was almost certain he wasn't meant to host a goddess. It was troubling. We managed to get on Festus and take to the skies in record time even with a partially disabled Leo. Leo definitely was right about Festus being quite efficient on his own, no pilot needed.

"We have to get back to Republic City and fast!" Korra yelled over the wind. "If the Dai Li are working with Metal Dynasty then Woo is likely in a lot of danger!"

"I agree," Leo shouted back. "But Hazel had a great idea before we went our separate ways!"

"Which was what?" I asked, my nerves were fried considering I'm Woo's bodyguard and I may or may not have left him in the hands of the possible enemy, not once, but twice. Yes twice, ladies and gentlemen, I present the two most devastating and terrible decisions of the year made by yours truly!

"Frank is the idea," Leo looked back at us over his shoulder. "Don't worry Mako, even if Yu Hui and the Dai Li are working against us, Frank will keep Woo safe."

Frank's POV:

Suspicious Dai Li director guy is a traitor? Check. Is Woo in mortal peril? Likely. Am I hiding as a fly following behind the prince and the Dai Li traitors? Check. Did I almost die multiple times from being swatted? Quadruple check. I don't like this plan. Couldn't I have followed Woo as something that isn't commonly killed by fly-swatters? Speaking of Woo, he doesn't even know I'm here. I'd wager he thinks he's going to die right now. Seems a bit mean to me. Leo and Hazel agreed that this was the best way to ensure Woo's safety. I'm not going to let them down. In the tunnel ahead, I waited till they were just about on top of me then transformed into a giant bear. I swatted the Dai Li men into the tunnel wall hard enough to crack the stone then grabbed Woo and threw him on my back before making a mad dash towards the exit of this tunnel. I turned right then left, took another right, then two lefts and was thoroughly confused as to where I was and where I was going. It hardly mattered as long as I got Woo away from the people trying to kidnap him, which technically is what I am also doing right now. Woo was screaming his lungs out as he held onto my back. I'm fairly certain he's crying. It's a bit different being brave against a treacherous Dai Li guy versus a giant clawed and fanged bear that pops out of thin air. Poor Woo. 

"What's going on!" Woo screamed and sobbed as I carried him towards a man hole.

Gently placing the terrified monarch back on the ground, I transformed back into a person, "Hi." I waved, feeling a little guilty for scaring the guy half to death.

"Frank?" Woo's eyes widened and tears began pouring harder down his face as he ran towards me, giving me an unexpected hug. "I'm so glad it's you and not a magic prince eating bear!"

"Sorry about that," I chuckled awkwardly. "I'm Leo and Hazel's back up plan for keeping you safe."

"Really?" Woo pulled back, no longer crying, but wide eyed all the same. "You guys really do plan for everything."

"Try to," I shrugged. "Now come on let's get you some place safe, uh... actually I don't know this city very well, any ideas?"

"Yes!" Woo beamed. "I know someplace they'd never look!"

Korra's POV:

It was a tough decision; hug Leo, and Hazel later, for being geniuses or punch him really hard for not sharing that bit of the plan with the rest of the class! That's two pieces he decided to not tell us about! Annabeth I understand, but Frank? Not even the other demigods knew about this.

"Seriously!" Mako shouted. "We weren't even in the city, there was no reason not to tell us about Frank staying!"

"Sorry," Leo turned to face the rest of us. "I guess I thought secrecy was our best option for keeping the spy keeping an eye on not only the prince, but also the people in the bunker with him a secret. Next time I'll let you in on the sneaky under cover mission."

"Makes sense to me," Annabeth said thoughtfully. "He's extra insurance. What good is that insurance if word of him being there gets out. The less people who know the better."

"But we aren't even in Republic City!" Mako argued. "What would in matter if we knew our friend was safe no matter what happened?"

"It's just safe tactics," Annabeth shrugged. "Leo played it safe."

"Nice one telling us he went with the girls as extra muscle though," Percy laughed. "I actually believed it!"

"Sorry again," Leo turned to face forward again, but before long he'd fallen asleep against Festus. He sure used himself up today. Hopefully he'll be alright. I was certain he shouldn't use Gaia's powers too hard or else he might hurt himself like he had with the highway in the sky. It seemed like ever since Ba Sing Se, Leo had grown stronger, more in tune with the goddess living inside him. Maybe it was just me, but I was certain something had changed. Just couldn't figure out what.

I closed my eyes, leaning back against my girlfriend. Asami rested her head on my shoulder and gently nuzzled my neck. The warmth of her body soaked into my back and all my muscles relaxed. I felt peaceful, despite all the turmoil of the world around me. Right here, with her arms around me, this is what I'm fighting for. Not just for the citizens of this world or because I'm the Avatar. The people sitting here on this dragon, one by one falling asleep on the long flight back, these are the people who give me strength, courage, the will to keep fighting. A reason to keep fighting. They're all the reason I need.

My dreams were filled with warm memories; traveling through the spirit world with Asami, winning an eating competion against Bolin, pro-bending with Mako and Bolin, meeting Leo, riding in Festus for the first time, mine and Asami's first kiss... I didn't want to wake up. This was perfect. No Metal Dynasty, no Dai Li, no one who wanted to reestablish the monarchy Woo was working so hard to bring down. Sometimes I wish I could just make those people change their minds, but that was naive of me. I likely couldn't change their minds any more than they could change mine. That Keto fellow, we never did find out what happened to him. I wonder if we fought him at some point and didn't realize it. It's sad, they all look alike, every soldier, no separation... My dreams continued, darker now. I'd let the horror in. I had to be ready for it when I opened my eyes. My idealistic dreams would have to wait for the fight to be over with.

Frank's POV:

This is not what I was expecting. Honestly I hadn't known what to expect, but it sure wasn't this. Woo had brought us to little Ba Sing Se, a shopping district in Republic City, best known for it's appearance of looking like a miniature of the Earth kingdom capital, complete with a mini castle and all.

"Wow. This is..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence...

"I know right!" Woo beamed. "They'll never look for me here! It's far enough away from the air ships and it has a bird's eye view of the city!"

"Sure is something," I smiled in an attempt to be encouraging. It's definitely the last place I'd look for a prince in hiding, I think?

"Whoa," Woo looked out for his perch in the mini palace. "We can see the battle from here!"

"Yay, just what we needed," I mumble sarcastically. "A view of more violence."

"Hold on," Woo's tone became serious. "Frank look down there, are those Metal Dynasty troops?"

"What? There's no way they made it inside the city without-" I stopped mid sentence as I spotted what Woo had a moment earlier. It was Metal Dynasty troops. How did they get in the city?

"We have to warn general Iroh," Woo said sternly. "Their in the city and they don't even know."

I like this prince, his heart's in the right place. I transformed into a dragon, "Hop on."

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