The One of the Shadows (Sebastian x Dark Angel! Reader)

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Prologue: The One Born from the Shadows

There are three major species that are part of this universe. The Angels, the Humans, and the Demons.

Even though there are three species, only two are broken into classes.

The Angels consist of four classes, the highest known as the Pure Ones, followed by the Arch Angels, and the Guardian Angels. The lowest class of the Angels are known as Weeping Angels. They are the exiled Angels who were considered "unclean" by the Pure Ones. The Weeping Angels have been cast down to earth in the form of statues. Over the years they have slowly lost their sanity, and now are just hallow shells, killing any humans and demons in their path.

The Demons consist of many classes. But only four classes are the most Well known.

The highest of the Demons of the Ruler of Hell, Satan. He is followed by the Knights, then the Sins, and the lowest of the four, the Proxies.

The Knights are one of the only Demon that can go to earth with out possessing a human. There for they can make contracts with humans with the price being the Human's soul.

But every ten thousand years, a new species is created. But only one of the new species is created.

This species is born from the shadows, and feared by all. It is part Demon, part Angel, and soars on wings of black. One look of this creature's eyes, will be turned to stone, and he or she's blood will be consumed.

This creature, is the Dark Angel.


She sat upon her tree branch. Her dark wings folded, her pointed ears twitching to the slightest sounds.

She whipped the blood off her short torn dress with her fingers and slowly bringing the blood to her lips. Her sharp fangs were still out grazing her over her lips.

She smiled as she licked the blood of her latest kill off her fingers. Her fangs shrunk back into her mouth, But were still noticeable when she spoke or smiled.

My my, this world has changed so much over hundreds of years. She thought to herself as she looked over the town of London.

It was the 18th century and she has watched this city grow for hundreds of years.

She remembered when the Black Death hit all of Europe. Well, of course she remembered, because she was the one that caused it.

She smiled as she jumped off her tree branch and sored over the city. She watched as people went about their business, laughing, smiling, enjoying life.

It sickened her.

she scoffed, "You humans are lucky I just ate."

She then sored off to were the nobles lived. She loved to spy of then, and every so often she took their money just because she felt like it.

She sored over to the Phantomhive manor and peeked inside.

Out of all the manors she has visited, the Phantomhives was her favorite. She knew that the Butler was a demon the moment she first saw him. She could see the demonic power flowing off of him. Thanks to this, she knew what his class was... He was a Knight.

She watched through the cover of a tree just out side the the head of the Phantomhives office.

Even though he was just a child, around 12 or so, she was one of the cruelest humans she has ever laid eyes upon.

He always bossed the demon around like he was just a pawn if his game of life. It was strange.

She watched as the demon opened the window to let some fresh air into the boy's office.

"Young master, may I ask why have you been keeping the curtains drawn in almost every room?" the demon asked as he turned back to the boy.

The boy sighed, "I think someone or something has been watching the manor for three weeks now and I'm on edge."

"Indeed, I feel the same as well. I will investigate immediately," the demon gave a slight bow and left the office.

The boy continued his work is silence.

Well that was interesting, seems like the boy and the demon are on to me, she smirked as an evil idea came into her mind.

She jumped off the tree branch and sored straight into the boys office.

The papers on his desk flew into the air as she crouched on his desk in front of him.

The boy stumbled back and fell out of him chair, "SEBASTIAN!!!"

She smirked as she felt a presence behind her.

"So, the demon is named Sebastian huh?"

Sebastian sighed, "Yes, that is what I am called now may I ask who you are?"

She jumped and back flipped off the desk landing on her feet facing him.

She spread her dark wings as her fangs elongated.

Fear took over the boy's and Sebastian's body.

"Now you know demon," she said as she took off at great speeds out the doors of the boy's office and into the rest of the Phantomhive manor.

Sebastian stood there in fear, he was never afraid of anything, and now... The very monster of legend... was in the Phantomhive manor.

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