Chapter Two: Trouble Maker

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Sebastian dragged you back to his master's study. The shackles were still one your neck and wrists, which annoyed you of course.

Once you reached the study, Sebastian threw you to the floor in front of the master's desk.

"I must say Sebastian," his master said as he got up from his desk and crouched down in front of you. "I never knew you would be able to catch her. But may I ask, are the shackles and chains a little much?"

"Yes young lord, Dark Angels are very clever, so I took the procaution of having her chained so she won't get away easily," Sebastian explained.

You scoffed, "you kinky son of a bitch..."

"I'm sorry?" Sebastian said, confusion clearly written on his face.

"You put me in chains.... You know how kinky that is?"


"Yes... You're a big ol' pervert."

"Shut up."

"ENOUGH!" the master yelled.

You and Sebastian stopped.

"Thank you, now, may I ask if you have a name? My name is Ciel," said making his way back to his desk.

You sighed, "my name is (name)."

"How many are there of your kind (name)?"

"Just me, There's never any other Dark Angels, only one is born."

"How long have you lived?"

"Really long fucking time."

"Hmmmm...." Ciel thought for a moment before asking his next question.

"How many abilities do you have?" he asked.

"And Why do you wanna know?" you scoffed.

"I am simply gathering information about your kind," Ciel said a little annoyed. "Well?"

"Oh I can do many things," you said with a smirk.

"like what?"

Out of the blue, you turned into a stone statue.

"How the!?" Ciel gawked.

you returned back to your previous state, "I can mimic lower class Angels known as Weeping Angels."

"Weeping Angels?" Ciel asked clearly confused.

Sebastian explained the whole thing about the classes between the Angels and the Demons, and how ever 10,000 years a Dark Angel is born.

Sebastian also told him how Dark Angels don't really last that long in life because most are too stubborn when it comes to them being endangered. He also said he was surprised to see one last as long as you have, because you were smarter then the others in the past.

"What else can you do (name)?" Ciel asked.

you smiled. Your body began to change. your hair became shorter and black, your eyes became red, your clothes became a Butler's tail coat, and last But not least your female figure became a figure of a male.

"Bloody hell....." Sebastian said under his breath.

There, where you were chained, was another Sebastian.

You sat up so that you were not sitting on your ass.

"You see? I can be one hell of a Butler too," you said using Sebastian's voice. you sounded exactly like him.

"You can change into other people!?" Ciel yelled in surprise.

"Well if I couldn't do that then what kind of Butler would I be?" You said once again using Sebastian's voice.

"OK, please stop."

"Oh but I'm just having fun," you say changing to Ciel's body.

"I said enough," Ciel said slamming his fist down on his desk.

You changed back to your normal body, "Well you're boring."

Ciel turned towards his Butler, "Sebastian, I leave (name) in your care."

"WHAT!?!?!" you screamed.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian replied with a small bow.

"Yes my lord my ass! I know you don't want to be around me! You just find me an annoyance!" you screamed as Sebastian picked up your chains and started dragging you out of Ciel's study.

"Well since I am the one who is going to be caring for you you better treat me with respect," Sebastian said as he dragged you into the garden.

"Pfft! As if! I'm not your familiar," you said as Sebastian took off the shackles that were on your wrists.

"Familiar?" Sebastian asked curiously

"U-um.... It's nothing!" you said backing up until you reach the end of your chain.

Hmmm.... What is a familiar? Sebastian thought to himself. And, why did (name) react that way?

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