Being Accepted

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Lucy Pov:

I walked towards Sabertooth with a depressed look on my face. It has been two hours now that it have been away from Fairy Tail.

Suddenly I feel a muscular arm on my shoulder.

"Hey Luce... Why the long face?" The pink haired dragon slayer asks me.

"Go to hell Salamander..." I shrug off his shoulder and walk forward.

"What's gotten into you Luce?" He asks walking next to me.

"I'm just a playmate so I guess you don't need me anymore..." I gritted through my teeth.


"Save it Salamander... I'm going to Sabertooth..." I said running away.


I breathed and touched the doors of Sabertooth...

"I have to do this..." I whispered.

I opened the doors and everyone looked at me.

"Um... May I talk to the person in charge here..." I asked the room.

"I'm incharge you blonde bimbo..." A female voice said.

"Minerva..." I said looking at her.

"What do you want and who are you..." She said looking at me.

"I was wondering if I could join... Well I came from Fairy Tail and-"

"What kind of Mage are you?" She cut me off

"I'm a celestial Mage like Yukino except I have 10 celestial keys instead of 2..." I said.

"Talk to Sting..." She said pointing to the office.

"Thank you Minerva-San..." I whispered and scurried over to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in..." I heard faintly.

I walked in and saw Sting doing some paperwork.

"Um Sting-kun?" I asked softly.

He looked up and noticed who I was instantly.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"Your a fairy... Fairies aren't allowed here." He pointed toward the door.

"Um but I'm not a fairy... We'll I was... But not anymore...." I said on the edge of tears.

"Show me your insignia shadow..." He ordered.

I pulled my sleeve and showed him my insignia shadow.

"Well if you join, I have something for you..." He said standing up and going to the shelves and grabbed a wrapped, old cloth with a crème colored ribbon.

He handed me the cloth and it had something inside it. I took the cloth and unwrapped it. I looked in astonishment and looked up at him.

"How did you get these?!" I asked worried.

"Yukino gave them to me... She said that if I ever had another celestial wizard in our guild, that I should give these to them..." He said smiling at me.

"Welcome to the guild..."

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