One last time

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Lucy Pov: I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes. I rubbed my face to take the sleep out and sat up. I heard a crinkling noise under my hand and I looked down and lifted the sheet. I found a note and smiled.

Dear Blondie,

Sorry I left without notice, Rogue called me in to go on a job. Someone has to pay the bills...


The almighty Sting

I chuckled and got up to take a shower. After I took a shower, I put a yellow dress on with navy blue flowers. It was super tight at the top and it flows at the bottom. It went to my knees and I added a thick belt to the bust. I slipped into some white flats and pulled my hair back into a side braid. I grabbed my white clutch and headed out.

I walked through the streets and grabbed a coffee. I let my mind wander and I ended up on a hill. I peered over and saw a rocky cliff with rushing water below it. Mist arose and disappeared into the air. I smiled at the beautiful sight. But that smile soon turned into a frown...

"Hello Playmate..." The voice chuckled.

I didn't turn. All I whispered was 'Natsu...' I closed my eyes and stiffened my body.

He walked up closer. Every step make chills go down my spine.

"You look so lovely in that dress... But the hair needs to be out..." He spoke to my bare neck. His breath was hot and uncomfortable. I slightly shivered as he took my braid out.

"There..." He whispered.

He tucked a lock behind my ear and walked around me. He faced me and looked at my collarbone.

(MATURE CONTENT APPROACHING!!!!!!! DO NOT READ -not a lemon though... But if you don't want to read this part, skip a few paragraphs and I will have another bold area and you start up there...-)

"Beautiful insignia..." He said while placing a hand on he it. He played with my skin for a while and slowly slided his hands to my chest. He squeezed a breast and I pushed his hands away.

"Stop..." I could barely get out of my dry throat.

He leaned in and grabbed my cheeks. He smashed his lips against mine. He tried to enter my mouth but I kept my lips shut.

He squeezed a breast and I opened my mouth to let a moan out. He took the chance and shot his tongue in my mouth. I chuckled in my head and closed my teeth over his tongue.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK LUCY?!?!" He barked.

"Stop..." I whispered as I fell to the ground. A few tears shed and he kicked me to the ground. I fell back and he got on top of me. He ripped my dress and pulled at my bra. It snapped and he pulled it off. I pushed at him but it was no use, he was stronger. He groped my breast and licked my neck. I moaned, but it was an unpleasant moan.

He kissed my lips with force and his hot breath steamed my skin.

"You are my toy..." He said into my ear. Hot tears were flowing down my cheeks as he harassed my body.

I pulled my arms in to cover my chest but he locked them down to the grass with his hands.


Sting Pov:

I walked through the woods to try to find special flowers for Lucy. She really deserved them after everything that has been going on...

I sniffed the air and I caught Lucy's scent.... Vanilla and nectar. But it had a mixture of Salamander's scent too...

I dropped the flowers I was holding and ran. I sniffed the air again and turned right. I followed the scent to a hill.

I ran to the top to find Natsu touching Lucy and her crying.


Lucy Pov:

"LET HER GOOO" is what I heard. Suddenly Natsu was thrown off of me. I pulled my dress up, actually what was left of it because Natsu teared the whole thing.

I grabbed my rubber band and tied a little area on it to keep it up. I stood up and looked at Sting. He was beating the shit out of Natsu.

Thank god he showed up... I would've been doomed if he wouldn't come...

Natsu was eventually uncontious and he ran over to me.

"Let's go home..." He grinned.



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