chapter seven; psychiatric hospitals and harsh words

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Patrick's POV

the next morning I woke up not in my bed.. again.

although, instead of Mindy's, it was Pete's bed. we hadn't done anything, just cuddled as we used to on the road.

"goodmorning, Pattycakes." he smiled into my back

"morning, Peterpanda." I laughed and tried to get up

"nope." he pulled me closer

"alright, then." I laughed and turned around

Pete cuddled himself into my chest, completely turning himself basically into a body pillow for me

"Pete." I played with his hair "I have to pee."

he laughed against my chest, "okay fine." he let go

"thanks." I got up and went to the bathroom

Pete's POV;

I enjoyed being friends with Patrick, and I enjoyed entertaining the thought of us being more than friends. but this middle stage, whatever we are right now, I didn't like so well. it just made me confused, I know he likes Mindy, and I know he likes me. to be honest, I don't think even he knows what he wants. so I'm gonna lay off a little, let him come to me.

I got up and got dressed then went to the kitchen to get out the bowls, spoons, and milk for cereal.

"There you are." he laughed and walked to the cereal cabinet

"here I am." I smiled and sat down at the island

"ooh captain berry crunch" he grabbed a box of cereal

"bought it just for you, patty-- Patrick." I smiled

Patrick's POV;

why'd he catch himself? he knows I like the nickname... ever since I went to the bathroom he's been stand offish. did I say something? did I make him mad? great, now he hates me. fantastic.

Pete's POV;

"Thanks, pete." he smiled and sat on the other side of the island

great. he's made his choice, okay. I see.

he got a call, and smiled when he looked at the caller ID

Patrick's POV;

"Mindy" the caller ID read on my phone

"hey." I smiled and answered

"hey, Pattycakes." she replied

"how are you?"

"better than yesterday."

"I should hope so."

"they said I can't go home for a while. they want me to go to a psychiatric place for a few days."

my heart stopped.

"can I visit you?"

"the second I get visiting hours I'll let you know. I won't have my phone, so I'll have to call you on the land line they have there."

I sighed, "okay."

"anyways, they're getting ready to take me. I love you."

"I love you, too."

I sighed and pushed away the cereal

"you okay?" Pete asked

I shook my head, "not hungry."

"Patrick, what's wrong?"


"is she alright?"

"she's on her way to the psychiatric hospital.."

"that's a good thing, she's gonna get the help she needs."

"I know, but." I sighed, realizing I was being selfish.


"I want her right here. in my arms, right here next to me."

"I know. but we can't always get what we want, and you'll have her for a lot longer once she gets this help."

"I know. I'm being selfish for wanting her."

"no, you're not being selfish. you're being human. humans have a tendency to be selfish."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I am." he winked

I rolled my eyes and tried to eat my cereal. I couldn't, I was too stressed out. my stomach was in knots and I had a tickle at the back of my throat like I could break down any moment.

whoops, I guess now was the moment.

"come here." Pete grabbed me and held me tightly "it's okay, I'm here."

I sobbed. hard. I didn't know I could cry like this, I didn't know it was humanly possible to make such unattractive noises as these.

"it's gonna be alright, Patrick." Pete stroked my hair "she'll be alright, you'll be alright."

Pete's POV

seeing Patrick break down like this killed me. I knew I couldn't hurt Patrick like this.. not again. plus, now I have Bronx to think about. I need to stop being so selfish. I can make it out of this again, just like I did last time.

"sorry." Patrick finally gathered his thoughts enough


"just sorry." he grabbed some tissues and blew his nose "ew." he looked at the tissue

I laughed, "Patrick you have nothing to be sorry for."

"I do. I'm always so selfish."

"care to explain?"

"when you.." he paused, "when that happened, I wanted you all to myself. I just wanted to hold you, protect you. I didn't want anyone to talk to or touch you. I wanted you to be mine and mine only."

"there's nothing wrong with that, it just means you're a good friend."

"that's why Elisa left me. I was too possessive of her. she got tired of it."

"stupid." I muttered under my breath

"excuse me?"

"nothing, sorry."

"no, what'd you say?"

"nothing, Patrick. what were you saying?"

"why'd you say stupid?"

"because she is."

"Pete, she may not be perfect but I loved her."


"I just did. sometimes you can't explain love, it's just there. that's something I thought you would understand."

"I do, but not with her."


"I should go home." he grabbed his keys off of the table and his jacket off of the rack

"Patrick, I-" he cut me off,

"bye pete. I'll see you later." he slammed the door

great. I've pissed him off. I should learn to keep my fucking mouth shut.

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