Chapter 1- Bullies

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Jade's Point of view-

Hi, this is me————

My name is Jade, and I'm 16 years old

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My name is Jade, and I'm 16 years old. My parents work for the President so I live in New York with my Aunt Marideth and my Uncle Jake. I just moved her from San Diego because my parents literally just got their jobs as the President's Secretaries. Today's suppose to be my first day of school, and it's not going so well so far. This morning I forgot to set my alarm, my toast for breakfast was burned, and I was almost late for the bus. When I got on the bus it was like everyone was staring at me-it was freaky. Only one person waved at me and smiled. It was a boy about my age with brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. I have to admit he was kinda cute. So I walked up to him and said, "Hi, can I sit here?" "Sure!" He said happily. He was so care free, it was insane. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He said with his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Jade. Jade Dash." I shook his hand and smiled. "Sweet last name." He said. "Thanks." No one's ever said that before. On the way to school we talked about what the school was like, and our classes. It turns out I have every single class with him. What are the chances of that? When we got to school we got off the bus and walked to our lockers. Even though we shared classes our lockers were on two opposite sides of the school. So he went with me to my locker and I went with him to his. Our first class was Math. During math some boys looked behind them to Peter and giggled. They wrote something on a paper, crumbled I, and threw it at Peter. He looked up with sad eyes and took the paper. He didn't even look at it and got up and and threw it away. "Why didn't you look at it?" I said to him. My seat was right behind his. "They've done this before. I know better not to look at it." The entire class period I sat wondering what was on that note. After the bell rang I dragged behind Peter and on the way out I quickly snatched the paper out of the trash can. During second period (science) I unfolded the paper and stared with sadness at what was on the paper. On was a picture of Peter as a stick figure with a big head. The note said:
Peter the fat head stick. Look at him go!!!

I felt the tears coming to my eyes and pushed them away. After class I went to Peter's locker and before he opened it I slammed the note on it. "Why don't you do anything about this?" He stared at the note and his face flushed red. "Where did you get that?!?" He said with anger in his voice. "The trash can, now tell me why don't you do anything about this?" He sighed. "There's nothing I can do. I already tried." He lifted his sleeve to show a scar along the top of his arm. "What happened?" I asked. "When I first started getting these letters I decided to tell them them to stop. Probably not the best idea to do I after school though. They started to beat me up and took a pocket knife and scratched me. I got up and ran away." He looked down and stood there. "I-I'm So Sorry." "Anyway, let's go to third period." We walked to third period in silence. I wish I never brought up the subject.

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