Chapter 2-Feelings

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It's been a month since school started and I'm feeling something I never thought I would feel-Love. Before I tell you who I have a crush on I want to let you know that I don't know why I have a crush on him. Now, let's get to it. It's-
He doesn't know, but I know that he does know that I've been acting weird ever since I have. I've been randomly staring at him, and every time he notices he makes an embarrassed face. I can't help it though.

I just got home from school and my Aunt was watching the news. On the screen was a picture of a blown up building with Spider-Man next to it. The news cast woman said "And Spider-Man strikes again, his wrecking of the city hall is drastic with 5 casualties." The woman continued talking but I turned my head away. I focused on getting some ice-cream and walked up to my room to start on homework. All night I kept thinking about Peter. But he would never love me- would he?

The next day at school I was walking to Peter's locker when one of his friends asked him if he liked anybody. I stopped walking and pretended to be doing something. I was secretly hoping he would say yes. "No. I don't think so." He said. I couldn't help it. Tears came to my eyes. All of a sudden he looked up and stared right at me. He saw me crying and realized that I heard what he said.

He started walking towards me and I quickly walked away. I shoved open the school doors and went behind a corner where no one was or could see me. I started balling. He came walking fast around the corner trying not to be noticed. "Hey, hey. Are you ok?" He asked me as he grabbed my shoulders. "If I told you you wouldn't be to happy." I told him. "What, it's fine. I won't judge." I looked up at him.

He looked pretty serious. " it's just, I like you, ok? Like, like like you. But when you said you liked no one I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry you had to see me like this." "No no, it's ok." He said. Tears were coming to his eyes. "I only said that because I was embarrassed. I really like you too, Jade. Like, like like you." He smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Really." He said, wiping my tears away. We leaned in close and our eyes met. We kissed, and I felt so happy. I felt life had finally come my way. I felt a rush, but it wasn't normal. It was-almost bad. But I ignored it. We smiled and hugged. We walked back in the school, hand in hand. We were in love.

Later that day, we were in history class and got our tests back. "Yes!!!" I said with a little fist gesture. "Got 100%. That's how I role." I said, acting like a cool person. Peter laughed. Then he got his test back and said, "aw, takis and cheese." I looked at his test and he got a D. "What was that for." I said, laughing. "Oh, I say that when something goes wrong-like now." He looked a bit worried. "My Aunt's going to KILL me." He said. "Don't worry. We'll do this together." I said. And that's how it went.

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