Chapter 1: BitterSweet

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I sighed as I looked around the empty streets of Gotham, looking for anyone who might be out on this lonesome night. The streets where silent, not a peep from a mouse or a roar of a car to ruin the purity of the moment. It was peaceful, which I wouldn't normally take as a good thing, but for now, I decided that as long as no one saw me I would be fine. Then again, I knew I was never alone. There was always someone watching me, always someone expecting me to do the wrong thing, there was always someone, even if they weren't really looking at me. I shook my head, trying to get thoughts thought out of my head, but it was almost impossible to do. I couldn't help but think of it, it's a habit when your the villain. When your always on the run you don't have any time to not think of who is watching you. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I glanced around the streets, looking for somewhere to hide. It was getting late, and soon everyone would be waking up, getting ready for their jobs. The children of Gotham would be up getting ready for school, their parent would be cooking breakfast, and I would be going back to the warehouse to start planning my new evil plan. There was no reason to make the people of gotham feel safe because they weren't , they never where

. I gulped as I noticed a boy standing on the sidewalk, he had on a large hoodie which covered his hands, the hood was up making it difficult to see his face. He seemed to be looking down. I tugged on the hood I was wearing, hiding my iconic green hair and my face, trying to make sure he didn't know who I was. I picked up my pace. Maybe he would ignore me. As I was approaching him, he looked up, his cheeks were tear stained, his green eyes clouded over. He couldn't have been over 15, though he was tall, taller than me.

"Hey" He said, his voice was raspy and he sounded as though he would start crying at any moment. I hummed in response, still not wanting him to know who I was. I was planning on having a peaceful night, and having this kid call the cops would ruin that for me. "Can you spare some change" His voice trailed off as he looked down. I nodded and pulled my hand out of my pocket, taking my wallet out with it. It was stuffed to the brim with one-hundred dollar bills, which were all stolen from various banks. I grabbed a small handful of bills before handing it to the boy, whose face instantly lit up. "Thank you sir!" He shrieked, hugging me tightly. I gulped, this kid was really tall. Taller then I had thought. I barely reached his chin. I rocked slightly as he hugged me. I gulped as my hood started to slip from my head. I tried to reach up and fix it, but it was no use, the kid was holding on to tight. Soon enough the hood was completely off, revealing who i really was. THe boy pulled away, looking at me. Terror flashed through his eyes as he stepped back. He looked shocked. I shook out my hair, letting it go free. There was no use in lying to the kid, he already saw me, already saw all of my tattoos, my green hair, everything that made me, me. "your the ..." He voice trailed off as he gulped.

"the joker" I said, a smirk resting on my lips. He gulped once again, tears welled at the edges of his eyes. I looked at him, he looked pitiful, standing there, his legs shaking and his eyes wide. Shaking my head, i stepped forward, giving the boy another hundred dollars before closing my wallet and putting it back in my pocket. He looked confused. "Buy yourself some food" I said, looking at the boy. He was thin, unnaturally thin, and he looked hungry. I smiled at him before walking past, patting his back. I didn't see any reason to kill him, no one would believe him if he told anyone. "Take care" i called as i walked away "Oh and good luck." I smiled as i walked away. It felt good to be nice, to bad this would have to be a one time thing. I was the bad guy, the one that loved causing mayhem, i wasn't supposed to be nice. I laughed to myself as i slipped into one of the allies. It wasn't the nicest place in the world, but i knew only thugs and thieves came down these things, and me being the Biggest and baddest Thug in the world, i only found it fitting that i took the 'forbidden streets' of this town. It was musty and cold. You could tell rats had tore through the trash bins that lay on the ground next to the tall buildings. It looked old and abandoned. as though people hadn't come down here in years and it smelt of rotting food and blood.

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