Chapter 5: Take It From Me

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When I finally woke up I found that two strong and well toned arms where wrapped around my waist. my back was pressed firmly against the other persons chest and I could feel the soft breeze of their breath against the back of my neck. I felt warm, safe, and at peace as I layed there, not opening my eyes. For a few moments I thought that maybe it was all a dream, that that night in Gotham had never happened and that those days with bats where all just a weird fever dream. I thought that maybe I had just gotten to drunk, that I had gone home with another random guy to satisfy my erg to be with another man. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the same dark walls and fancy curtains. in a way I was relieved, but I still my heart dropped.

Bats shifted behind me and I felt soft lips touch the back of my neck. it was only a small peck but it made my face go as red as blood and a my eyes tighten. I liked it, and I hated that I liked it but I couldn't help myself. "Hey joker, you up" He asked softly, barely above a whisper. I didn't answer, fearing that if he knew I was awake he would ridicule me for staying like this, or maybe he would hurt me to keep me quiet, to not leak the fact that the great Batman spooned with the enemy. his hand rubbed my side softly and his lips touched my neck again "your so peaceful when you sleep" he said gently, then another kiss "sometimes I wish you where like this more often." I stayed silent, my cheeks probably as red ad roses and my body relaxed. the weight of his arm was lifted off me soon after and I felt the dip that was in the bed disappear. my heart ached, screaming at me to reach out and ask him to come back, but I refused. my pride was to important and my head was already a jumbled mess as it was.

I layed there for a long wile, trying to understand all that had happened these last few days. I came in scared, confused, hating the feeling of being near him, but as I went through I had grown accustom to this place. I loved the feeling of being wrapped in his blankets, his sent made my head spin, I enjoyed having him around. it wasn't like I liked him, he was my enemy, the person who had kept me from my dream for so long, but I enjoyed his company. the fact that I had gotten so ok with being here so quickly made my heart race. I couldn't let this happen again. I needed to be on point at all time, this is how people like me get killed. the people in my line of work could never let their guard down. if it wasn't for the situation i was in, he could have killed me. he could have ended my life. i sighed softly at the thought, my mind running a million miles an hour. i felt like he wouldn't do that, that even though i was his rival even he wouldn't let me die in such a dishonourable way, but in my mind i knew that if he wanted to kill me, i was in no condition to fight back against it.

"batsy" I grumbled as I rolled over, opening my eyes slowly. in his eyes, I must look like I just woke up. perfect. he jumped a little and looked back at me with wide eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the sight of bats getting so worked up about it. "what" I asked, playing dumb "You look like a deer caught in headlights, or a criminal"

I saw the man relax when I didn't mention our little cuddling session "I wouldn't wanna steal your thunder Joker" He sounded serious but he had a sly little smile that said otherwise and when we locked eyed he rolled his eyes playfully. he walked over to the mini Bar and pulled out two drink glasses. he poured two glasses of whiskey, pouring a few cubes of ice in each. the klink of the glass reminded me of the outside world, of home. well, what home I did have on the outside.

"Speaking of my thunder" I said, pushing the blanket off my body "I cant stay any longer". My voice cracked gently as I said the words I had been thinking for so long. it seemed to physically hurt to force the words out, to tell the man that had been taking care of me that I had to leave. I glanced down at my arm. it was purple, swollen from yesterdays self-harm and looked no better then when I came in but know I had the excuse that I knew how to take care of it. the man looked over to me, his eyes wide and this body tense. I watched as his mouth opened slightly, then closed. I could tell he was trying to figure out what words to say. there was a feeling in his eyes that was hard to identify. a mixture of release and sadness hid something else. "I know what your going to say" I said quickly, hoping to cut off any sort of response "My arms just as bad as before, but I have that antibiotics! and I know how to keep it clean." There was another long pause, but bats looked away from me. it made my heart hurt to know that he wouldn't look at me, but this was for the best. I slid off the bed slowly, taking every move into account. it hurt to feel afraid of him, but I knew what he could do when he was angry. "I'm sorry"

He sighed and held out the drink to me. I looked at him, confused, but took it anyway. the only liquid he had given me for the past three days was water, and I could see why. I took a sip. the liquid burned going down, but I welcomed it. it felt normal, it made me feel as though I hadn't become used to being here. "Alright, I get it" He said, his voice gentle yet skitter, as though he was avoiding saying anything that would make him mad. he smiled gently at me and stood up "Come on, let me at least wrap it before you leave". I nodded, not knowing how to respond to him making that response. I had expected relief, or anger, hell, maybe even sadness, but no. I got non of that. he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me into the bathroom. I blushed, it was much nicer then last time he had grabed me and forced me into the bathroom. "Sit" He ordered, pointing to the counter. I did as I was told and sat down

he got out all the stuff he normally used and a ace bandage. he gently took my arms and rubbed the wound up and down. it hurt but I did nothing. I refused to show any emotion now. I was scared that now that he knew I was strong enough to leave, he would use any form of emotional weakness to try and keep me here. I wouldn't blame him, with me here he didn't have to worry about me fucking with gotham. after he finished with the disinfecting, I noticed that some of the scab that had fallen and small bits of blood had beaded at the site.

the bits of blood reminded me of the stained streets of gotham, the gutters running red with the blood of the innocent. The image made my heart pound, my hands craved to do it again, craved the power it gave me to hold the balance of life and death on my finger tips. As I stared down at pale skin stained red with blood all I can think of was innocent faces looking up at me begging, pleading for their life. it made me feel powerful, but my mind screamed at me to stop. my mind begged me to look away, to push those images away from my thoughts, to think of the little boy who i had helped. the second his face entered my mind my eyes snapped away from the wound. once a villain, always a villain.

i must have zoned out for longer then i had thought because when i looked back my arm was wrapped and the bat was washing his hands in the sink. i blushed at the thought of me staring for so long. god, i was off my game. i sighed and pushed myself off the counter. my feet met cold tile, sending a shock up my body. it all felt unreal, like none of it really was happening. it was weird how much you could get used to in two day. it was weird how much you could take in and fear loosing after only two days. as i say all the memories started flowing back. i looked at the shower and i swore i could feel the warm water running down my skin, soothing my sore muscles. when i pushed open the door to the bathroom ilet my eyes scan the room. the TV was replaced, the dark curtains cut out the sun, the soft carpets selt great. my eyes rested on the bed and my heart started beating. all i could see when i looked at the bed was all that had happened. i felt as though i could feel his breath on my lips, i could feel our foreheads touching and the way his body felt under me. i could feel the way his hands felt around my waist, the way his lips touched my neck, so gentle and caring. my skin seemed to burn where his hands had touched me. i hated the way my heart pounded when i thought about him. the way my mind couldn't stop thinking about how his hands felt on me, i hated the blush came to my cheeks without my knowledge. i felt tears push past my eyes, threatening to spill over. everything felt fake, wrong.

"Joker?" Bats voice came from the bathroom, snapping me out of my thoughts. soft footsteps filled the room. his hand rested on my shoulder and i felt a pleasant burn radiate from where his skin touched mine.

I shrugged his hand away and put on a straight bace. he was a hero, i was a villain. those words chanted in my head as i looked at him, my eyes meeting his in a silent challenge."see you when i see you" I said coldly as i grabbed my shoes from the floor. i didn't bother to put them on. i walked towards the door, his gaze made my skin feel warm. I stopped when my hand touched the doorknob "Oh, and batsy" I said. he tore his eyes away from me and looked into my eyes. i saw hope fill those beautiful eyes, calling me back to him.  "Dont underestimate me"

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