Chapter 2: His Room

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    I woke up to bright sun beams hitting my face and an unmesurable amount of warmth engulfing my body. I mumbled to myself, pulling up what i asumed to be a blenket to hide my face from the sun. I took a deep breath. a sweet sent filled my nose, it smelt of colone, and not just any calone. a colone i was all to familiar with. batman. I sighed, my eyes fluttering open only to be met with a dark grey blenket. pulling down the covers, i saw a large room, elegent yet dark with a large tv and what i only asumed to be a closet. Glancing around, i caught a glimps of a man, he was standing in a dark suit, his dark brown hair messy. after a moment, everything seemed to hit me full force. I let out a loud yelp before shuffling away from the unknown bed. I was soon tumbling to the floor, taking the blenket with me since my legs where entangled in the warm fabric. I groaned loudly as my head hit the floor, making it aperent that i had a headache. My breathing was uneven and i think i heard a somnething shatter on impact. i went light headed and dizzy for a few moments, only to be met with what i asumed to be the man that was standing on the other side of the room, running over. he was hovering over me, and running his eyes over my body. I followed them to be met wirth my oen shirtless self. I panted and looked up paniced, proping myself up on my elbows the best i could. "I-I'm sorry" i said "how did i... did you .... did we! ..." I asked, my mind racing. when i didnt get an answer my heart dropped, not again. "Fuck fuck fuck!" i panted out "im sorry i didnt mean ... i was drunk ... i think ... i."

    i heard a small chuckle, making me stop and look up. the man looked familiar, and sounded like somone i knew. One of my henchmen maybe? no ... no none of my henchmen are that big. maybe the riddler found me, but that didnt make since. the riddler was a scrawny man, nothing like this one. maybe a stranger got to me? Fuck. "Calm down joker, nothing happened" the man said. then it clicked. it was him!

    "batsy?" I asked, looking him up and down. made sense. a large muscular man, large expensive room, blenkets that could probably pay for my monthly rent, of course a suit, and to top it all off, that playboy smile that i had to deal with. "What the fuck" i mumbled looking around and taking in the sights. everything around me screamed 'rich boy with to much time on his hands'. i couldnt help but wonder how i didnt catch on earlyer. "Alright, explain, right know" I said, growling a bit after. This is bullshit! i just paniced, only to figure out that batman had taken pitty on me. i was getting angeryer by the moment

    "Do you know how hard it is to get you to a hospital" Bats complained, seemingly to himself "Let alone make them let you stay the night?." The man shook his haed a bit and walked around the bed once more, reterning to the task he was doing before i freaked the fuck out. why was he telling me this? and why did he need to take me to the hospital anyway? "Its so difficult that i couldnt do it, i couldnt find a hospital to take your stupid self" Bats said, his voice was low and groggy as though he hadnt slept, and yet it was still cold and harsh. my eyes widened a small bit. even the famed batman couldnt make anyone help me. "So, i let you say here for the night, though i didnt expect you to wake up and instantly be terified" I swore i could feel that dumb bat smirk to himself as he said that.

    "Shut up!" I hissed, fighting my way to my feet "You cant blame me!" my feet where shaky as i fought them to stay up. why was i so weak? i looked down at myself, seeing that my hole arm was wrapped. It all came to me. last night,n the kid that i threw money at, the girl that i had cut myself for so she could see blood, and of course, me trapped under a fucking warehouse door because of it. I sighed and let myself flop onto the bed. "fuck" i mumbled "ill be going then." it made sence right? he let me stay for the night, and i leave in the morning. kinda like a one night stand, but with a injured villan. i hoisted myself up a bit, trying my best to get up.

    "Nope, your staying" He said, before turning twards me. I gave him a confused look as he walked over. A glass of scotch in one hand and a plastic cup in the other. he set down the glass down and held the plastic one out to me. "its water and pain meds" He explained as i coutiously grabbed it from him. It seemed out of place, a man that was hell bent on stopping me, wanting to help me. That just didnt seem right. I looked into the cup. it seemed like he wasnt lieing, it looked like water, and it didnt smell odd. still, i didnt want to risk it. I hadnt survived this long just to be caught off guard and drink poisin. I slowly brought it off the bed and set it on the night stand next to the bats drink, taking his instead. I took long, deep gulps of the liquid, finishing it in a relitively quick mannor.

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