Chapter 7: Loved by These Streets

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I groaned as the gentle songs of people talking filled the room. it was loud, well, loud to me since i was still mostly sleep. my head was pounding and my skin felt cold, so cold. i sighed and pulled the blanket closer to my face, hoping for a scrap of warmth, but much to my dismay, all i got was a damp peace of cloth.

"Well guess who's up" I heard an all to familiar voice sing from the other corner of the loft. the voice was loud and highpitch, so highpitch that i instintivly covered my ears. harley quinn, my thought to be partner in crime and, as most of the villans know knew after my drunken rants, my ex girlfriend. I glanced up through the dark blue fabric to look at her. She stood on the other edge of the loft, her body leaning against a pole. In one of her hands she held a thick stack of scribbled on paper and in the other her bat hung loosely in her grip. She looked nice. "Mr.J" she stated in a matter-of-fact tone that lacked any of the go-lucky additive i was used to.

i huffed and pulled the blanket over my face one more, willing her to be gone when i decided to retreat from my bed. Looking at here still made my heart ache and my face go hot with the memory's of words left unspoken. "What do you want" I spat, hoping she would get the hint and leave. I heard a dramatic huff and a few seconds later the blanket was ripped away from my shivering body.

"Your fucking everywhere" She said, a hint of excitement rising in her voice "Every news station is raving about that girl you killed, not to mention that kid you gave the money to ended up on every missing kid form". She took a few steps towards me, her pony-tails swaying gently as she did so. She threw the stack of old, scribbled on notebook papers onto the mattress and squatted down to my eye level . She bounced on her heels "what did ya do to him?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

My breath caught in my throat as i forced myself onto my elbows. My heart was pounding and my head was racing 100 miles an hour. The kid? The kid was gone? And i was the one getting all the recognition for it? That couldn't be right, i had spent the last 48 hours in the lap of luxury, and bats.  I could understand the girl, she had my signature smile, but the kid. "I don't know what you mean Harley" I said, trying to sound calm and collected "It's none of your business anyway".

She groaned and stood up, cocking her hip to the side as she swung the bat over her shoulder. "Go figure" She said, looking around the room til her eyes rested on the old, broken TV that somehow was still working. She observed the news report for a few moments before looking back to me "You never told me anything"

"Look Harley" I said as i forced myself to my feet. I grabbed my arm out of instinct, it burned and was once again red and probably infected. She looked me up and down, her eyes jumping from one dryer blood stain to the next, her smile growing with each one. We locked eyes moments later. "You need to leave" I stated, taking a step towards her "Your not welcome here, i though i made that clear the last time you stepped on my toes." She took a step back, her eyes widening. With each step forward she mimicked me. "You slow me down" I growled "You do nothing but fuck up everything we do, so i need you to go before you fuck this up to" by the time i was done i was practically yelling in her face. She looked at me dumbfounded, her back pressed against the wall and our chests pressed together. She was trapped and I hadn't noticed i had done it. We stared at one another for a few moments before i took a step back, shooting her one last glare as i walked back to the mattress.

"Wow" she said, her voice light and airy. I didn't look back to see what she looked like, I didn't want to. I wanted her to leave, i wanted time to proses what i had done, hell, i needed to proses what I hadn't done to. I needed time to think, i needed to get my mind in order before i could go back to normal. There was a loud screech followed by the slam of the warehouse door being closed

i sat down in front of the tv. Maybe she was wrong, maybe no one was talking about me and she just wanted to fuck with me, I wouldn't be shocked. I flicked to the closest news station and started watching

"In tonight's news, The Joker, Gothams resident Clown Prince and one of the most deadly individuals to plague this great city, has striked again as police announce that a young woman's body was found last night in an ally" The Reporter stated, gesturing vaguely behind her towards the ally "Police say that the victim was strangled and then marked by the jokers smile, this is coming right after another teen went missing not long after being seen to take money from this master criminal. Police warn that Joker may be  trying to earn favour in the public as to make it easier to commit his crimes, if you see this man, call local authorities immediately, and stay as far as possible from him"

I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat as they replayed the video of me giving the kid the money. They showed my mugshot from the last time i had been arrested. I zoned out as the news reported droned on about me, and other cases around the city. I didn't kill that kid, i never even saw him after that night. I wanted to scream. The guilt i had tried to sleep off the night before washed over me again, making my pals sweat and my heart ache. I'm hated this feeling, the feeling of guilt, the feeling of not knowing what to do.

I admit I've never had a good reputation, I've never wanted to have one. I was a bad guy, a murderer, a criminal. I took comfort in knowing that i was exactly what people thought i was, but now everything seemed different, every line i had drawn in the sands of this city now blurred together. I was a bad guy, why did i want nothing more then to tell everyone that I wasn't the one that took that kid, why did the ghosted feeling of that girls throat gripped in my hands make my stomach twist and turn. Why did i feel like I shouldn't be this way

I was pulled back into reality by a sharp, unimaginable pain shooting up from my wrist all the way to my shoulder. I looked down. A small puddle of blood had formed on the floor under my feet and what little scabbing that was protecting my wound had been scratched off. I gulped and slowly pulled my shaking hand away. Under my nails where covered in blood.

My mind was fuzzy, the pain mixed with the blood and my unresolved emotions. I had to go somewhere, I couldn't just stick around. It wasn't like me to willow. Riddler had seen me last night, Harley had talked to me today. They would know something was up if I didn't go boast about my kill. I groggily stumbled to my cloths and pulled on the thickest hoodie i could find, wrapping a old bandana around my arm to hopefully stop the bleeding. I sighed and rummaged through last nights hoodie to find my knife.

Maybe a beer and some banter will take my mind off of all this. The door was a challenge, but once i got it open i stepped away. The light burned my eyes and the ground was still damp with last nights blood.

I walked down the back roads of Gotham, the forbidden city as most thugs called it. My step was faulty and I'm sure i nearly fell more then once. It took about an hour to get to Riddlers place, the entire time my arm was covered in the thick red blood that bubbled from my wound and each step became harder and harder to do. Every small noise made me jump, my mind racing with thoughts of someone finding me or worse, that bats would spot me. This city is a maze. I walked past a large building and stoped in front of the old and withering brick structure next to it. The brick had faded from the once rich and vibrant red into a sickly orange and the walls where over run with hanging plants. Through the large dirty window you could see an old diner that had long since been abandoned. I sighed and pushed open the old heavy wood door. The familiar ding of the bell chimed throughout the building. I stepped gently over old silverware and dead rats.

I stopped in front of the old freezer door the stood in the back of the room. It was much cleaner then the rest of the dingy diner, the only imperfections where the fingerprints that where scattered around the metal frame. I filled my hunts with the old stale air. This is it, the moment of truth

I pressed both hands to the cold metal, ignoring the pain that rippled through my arm like hot fire. I tilted my head up high, putting on the biggest smile i could. I this my chance to put thing right, my chance to change my ways for the better. With all my might i pushed open the two door and stepped into the luxurious room. The slam quieted the room, the eyes of hundreds of criminals burned into me.

I smirked "Who's ready to raise hell at Gothams Bank"

AN: I KNOW YOU GUYS MISSED ME! Ok ok, JKJK but really, i know how much it sucks to enjoy a fanfic that's never updated, so i thought I should come back and start writing some more! Idk where this story is really going, but i still think y'all deserve to get an idea (Don't worry, Bats will come into play again soon!) Comment if you liked it, it helps motivate me! Also, you should check out my other books if you want! THATS ALL!

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