Simple Life

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"If you ever need me, if you ever need us, just call," Sam assured Steve moments before his departure, slightly paraphrasing Steve's last letter to Tony. "Take care of yourself, Steve."

"See ya, Sam." Steve pulled Sam into a swift bro hug. Not a minute later, Sam revved up his suit and flew into the night sky.

That was five months ago. Since then, Steve had been trying to enjoy the simple life. That meant five months without the Avengers. Five months of refusing to be called "Captain." Five months of solitude. And if the simple life also meant renting out a cabin in the middle of almost-nowhere, then so be it.

To most people living in the 21st century, the simple life probably seemed like the equivalent of Hell. Steve, however, being the old-fashioned 98 year-old he was, enjoyed the lack of  WiFi, social media, and television. The only electronic devices he used during those five months were the radio, which his renter had generously provided him, and his flip phone, which he used to periodically call Sam and King T'Challa.

He stopped shaving, which was convenient considering he had nobody around to see him (besides his regular runs to the market), and he even took up a few hobbies such as fishing. Being a kid from Brooklyn, he had never tried anything of the sort until then, and admittedly, he rather enjoyed the experience.

Yet, as days grew weary and the leaves began to change, Steve found himself missing everyone. He wondered how Clint was doing, and if he was enjoying raising his new child, Nathaniel. He pondered how Wanda and Vision were, since he already knew that they had taken off together. He prayed that they'd be happy. He thought about Tony, and again found himself in grief over what Steve had done during their last encounter. Lastly, he often found himself mulling over Natasha. Where was she? What was she doing? He didn't know. Maybe he didn't want to know. Yes, their last chat at the airport had gone well, but that was before he had almost killed Tony, and he doubted Tony would leave that out of a conversation. "She probably hates me," Steve told himself, his heart dropping at the sound of his own conclusion.

Still, he didn't let that stop him from enjoying the little things, such as his dreamy view of the sunset as it casted it's shadow over the horizon. His only grievance was that he had nobody to share it with.


Hopefully this fanfiction cures some of the Infinity War depression... Idk. Anyways, the next chapter will be longer, so don't worry.

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