One of The Blondes

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The next morning was an interesting one. Sam wasn't there, as he announced he was going into town the moment they all woke up. Halfway through their omelette breakfast, however, he returned with a brown paper bag. When Steve, who had his back turned as he manned the stove, asked Sam what had happened, Sam simply replied, "The kid deserves a break." Then, pulling out a fresh deck of poker cards from the bag, he looked at Clea with a smirk. "Let's see how good you are."

Whilst Sam and Clea played a few rounds (Sam had also bought poker chips from who-knows-where), Natasha and Steve took some time to pack their things. Though, they spent a little more time talking than packing. Specifically, they talked about the plan.

"I have a hard time believing that we're going to be able to step a foot in that building," Steve finally said as he folded one of his shirts. "The place may be barren but it'll still be guarded."

"We'll find a way, Steve. We always do." Natasha told him hopefully.

"Yeah..." He thought for a moment before heaving a sigh. "The only actual idea we have is Clea's. She brought it up again last night but I just can't allow it."

"It would work but I agree." Natasha took a seat on the edge of her bed. "If only we had someone who looks like her and who is qualified for these situations."

Steve zipped up the backpack before sitting across from her. "Now would be a good time to have Kevin Sydney on our side. He'd be able to imitate her.

Natasha suddenly straightened her spine, an enlightened expression on her face. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Steve tilted his head like a lost puppy.

"Unless I imitate Clea." Her jaw hung open as she watched Steve's face. She knew it sounded crazy, and she doubted that he'd be on board, but she couldn't rid the idea that it could actually work. "Think about it: female, similar body shape... she's shorter than me but I highly doubt that HYDRA will notice. I can dye my hair blonde, Clea and I can switch clothes, and I have some tech from S.H.I.E.L.D. that'll change my face."

Steve shook his head, his chin lowering with each shake. "Its a good plan, but... Nat," Steve looked up at her. He couldn't shake the memories from his WWII days... Soliders in cages, Bucky strapped to a table, guns that vaporized people in mere seconds... Whatever they we're planning to do to Clea, they'd most certainly take it out on Natasha. "We both know what HYDRA is capable of, me more so than you. I don't want to lose you-"

"Don't go soft on me now," she responded in a softness that was almost cold. In that moment, she had detected a change in Steve's attitude towards her that had never been there before. With him, it had always been mission first, life later. But now, as his big blue eyes looked upon her with concern, she knew that something was amiss. She had an idea of what that difference was; the thought had been in the back of her skull since the day she arrived on his doorstep in the middle of the woods. And although she hoped that her suspicions were true, she knew in her heart that their current situation boar no room for sentimentality. Still, she couldn't resist speaking the words that followed her guarded tone. "You won't lose me. I've been in worse situations." Then, though she really shouldn't have, she leaned forward and placed a hand on his knee. "Whether you like it or not, it's the only plan we have."

"I know." Steve's voice was calm, but solemn. He looked at Natasha and she looked back at him. Staring into each other's eyes, a sense of determination filled them both. This would work. It had to work.


Hours later, Clea, Sam, and Steve stood in the center of a shopping district, right outside a small salon. They would've followed Natasha inside but the three of them huddling together inside the rather small shop felt immensely awkward. Thus, they took refuge on a wooden bench underneath a tall oak tree, shivering as the brisk autumn breeze collided with their bodies. Eventually, Sam left the scene in search of lunch, leaving Steve and Clea to their own devices.

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