We Need To Go

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A silver bullet shattered the front window, leaving a hole in the sitting room wall.

"GET DOWN!" Steve screamed, rushing around the table to tackle both Natasha and Clea to the ground. Natasha, on her way down, kicked the table over. It swayed and fell on its side, creating a wooden barricade between them and their attackers. Tucked underneath the table with a magnet keeping it in place, she observed, was a shield. Not Steve's shield, however.

"What is that?" Natasha asked, ducking behind the table as more gunshots rang in.

Steve yanked the silver, circular shield from the magnet and slid his arm inside the straps. It almost looked like his old one, expect it wasn't painted and was exempt of designs. "This is a prototype that Sam picked up while retrieving his own suit-" A bullet punctured the table, colliding with the shield. It bounced off and landed onto the floor, leaving the shield unblemished. "It's not vibranium, but it is bulletproof."

"How did Sam get his suit back?" Natasha was stunned, considering everything had been locked inside of S.H.I.E.L.D's most impenetrable facility.

"They call Scott Lang 'Ant Man' for a reason," Steve replied, winking at her.

CRACK! They quickly realized that the door was being rammed into and braced for a fight.

"Clea, get behind us," Natasha requested calmly, pulling a pistol out of nowhere and pointing it towards the door.

Clea did as she was told, but not without raising her arms partially in front of her. The three waited for the door to fall. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! It was a matter of seconds, but it felt like forever. CRACK! The door gave way and two HYDRA operatives rushed in. Natasha shot at one and they went down instantly. The other came at Steve, but he threw his shield and hit them square in the jaw. They went down just before all Hell broke loose. Four more operatives rushed into the cabin, ready to charge. That's when the spruce table that Steve, Natasha, and Clea were hiding behind went flying. It hit the wall with a SMACK, trapping two enemies behind it. Natasha, whilst taking on the other two with Steve, frantically looked behind her. Her only thought was, "Where did THAT come from?"

Then, Natasha saw it. In the shadow of her and Steve, Clea stood. Her arms were extended in front of her and her knees were bent. The seconds seemed to strain her, as if she was pushing something heavy. That's when Natasha realized that Clea was pushing something heavy. The table. She had telekinetic powers.

The four operatives were out in less than a minute; Natasha took two of the enemies out whilst Steve threw his shield at the other two, who were pinned behind the table. After a quick breather, and a couple of groans from the six foes that were strewn around the room, Natasha cocked her head towards Clea. The teen was biting her cracked lips as she glanced around the destroyed cabin.

"You couldn't have mentioned your powers earlier?" Natasha was half annoyed and half thrilled.

Clea kicked at a pile of broken glass, which used to be the cup she had drank out of only a few minutes before. Looking up, she replied, "Why else would HYDRA want me?"

Steve glanced at the broken windows, the bullet-littered walls, and the busted door. Mr. Greyback is NOT going to be happy about this, he thought to himself. Mr. Greyback was the owner the cabin that they had just demolished. He was a very quaint man who was wheelchair-bound, which meant he no longer had a use for his vacation home. Still, knowing that his used-to-be-home had been caught in a crossfire was going to be upsetting. However, Steve pushed that thought out of his mind, deciding to deal with everything later. Right now, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"We need to go," he told them, grabbing a small hiking bag off of a hook by the door. He glanced at Natasha, addressing her. "HYDRA didn't know that we were here. Otherwise, they would've sent a lot more operatives." He rummaged around the room, stuffing things into the hiking bag. Soon enough, he had finished packing. Clea offered to carry it and after the coast was clear, they set off. They weren't sure where they were going, or what they were doing, but they were sure that it had to be done together. Whatever HYDRA was up to, whatever their reason was for hunting Clea, they needed to be stopped.


Yes, I know this isn't a very romantic chapter. However, I don't want to ONLY focus on the romance. That would just be too much, you know? I'm not sure what direction to take the story, though, so that's a problem. I'll figure it out soon, so don't worry.

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