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"Okay, that's a lot of guards," Sam whispered as they all peered down the wide, rather-large hallway that led into the prison block. "How do you wanna do this, Steve?"

"Hmmm." Steve tilted his head slightly. "If I can get the angle right, then a shield throw should do it."

"Forgetting something?" Clea asked from behind as she shook her head. "You don't need an angle. I can just as easily guide the shield along with my powers."

"That'll work too." Steve slid his arm out of the shield straps, sliding his fingers down until he was gripping the edge like an oversized frisbee. Then, looking at the teen, he nodded. "Okay, on a count of three, I'll jump into the hallway and throw my shield while you guide it. Don't let it hit the walls– that'll attract too much noise. Sam, I need you to guard all the exits. If anyone tries to run or if anyone comes here, take them out.

"Got it," Sam replied, pulling a pair of guns from his belt and cocking both of them.

"Okay," Steve began, tightening his grip on the chrome-colored shield. "One... two..." Clea focused her blue eyes on the steel weapon; Sam pointed a gun towards the hallway behind them. "Three!"

Steve sprang into the hallway, revving his arm behind his back before heaving the shield into the open hallway. Clea was right behind him, immediately extending her arm and taking control of the flying disk. Then, sooner than any of the HYDRA operatives could reach the alarm, the shield sliced through the air, zigzagging as it collided with a dozen heads and silencing everything in its path. As the last crook fell to the floor, their gun clattering against the cold concrete, shots rang out behind them.

"TAKE COVER!" Sam fired his guns one after the other as a squadron of HYDRA operatives appeared at the end of the other hall. Clea retracted her hand, pulling the shield back into Steve's grasp while she used her other hand to deflect a couple bullets that we're moments away from piercing Sam's armor. As soon as the shells fell to the floor, Sam seized the moment and bounded forward, spreading his mechanical wings and firing a round into the mob. Steve lobbed his shield into the chaos and watched in triumph as it ricocheted off of numerous unsuspecting criminals. All the while, Clea went to work. Standing her ground, she helped by tearing guns from the operatives hands, ripping the metal to shreds and decommissioning every firearm she saw. Within minutes, no HYDRA personnel was left standing, leaving the heroes free to raid the prison block.

"They know we're here now, so we'll have to hurry," Steve announced as he neared the metal doors. Glancing at the control center beside the entry, he smashed his shield against it, destroying the console and severing the wires. With nothing holding the hatch together, the door opened before them. To his surprise, however, there were no guards behind the steel barricade. "The coast is... clear."

"It was always going to be clear," Clea articulated as she kicked a piece of metal lying at her feet. "They think Natasha is me, and they think I'm dangerous." Her voice was solemn as she spoke the words. "Even when they think I'm in a cage, they're still too afraid to come near." She stared into the long hallway of the prison block for a moment before entering, Steve and Sam on her tail.

They found cell 12 quickly. Natasha, still disguised as Clea, was sitting on a flat, dingy cot, her arms hand-cuffed behind her. Staring at the ground in silence, she seemed lost in thought.

"Nat!" As he caught sight of her, his face immediately lit up. He bounded towards the bars, looking them up and down before raising his shield. "Hold on, I'll get you out of there." With the swiftness of a bullet, he jammed his shield into the lock, causing it to break and clatter to the floor. Then, rushing into the cage, he leaned forward and did the same to Natasha's handcuffs.

We'll Fight Together (Romanogers / Steve X Natasha)Where stories live. Discover now